WAG 03-01-02-k
Noncitizen children under age 19 who do not meet the immigration requirements listed in PM 03-01-02 or PM 03-01-02-j may qualify for All Kids. The following children may qualify for All Kids Assist:
- Children who do not have any immigration documents; and
- Children who have expired or non-valid immigration documents.
- Children with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status.
The four nonimmigrant visa classes listed below may indicate that the child is not a resident of the United States. These, these children do not meet Illinois residency requirements,
unless these visas are expired, and the individual intends to remain in Illinois (self-attestation is permitted):
- B (temporary visitor for business or pleasure)
- C (aliens in transit)
- D (crew members of vessels traveling into or out of the U.S.)
- TWOV (transit without visa)
Applicants who have the visa types listed above and appeal a denial based on a claim of Illinois residency, must provide documentation of residency
unless the visas are expired and the individual states their intention to remain in Illinois.
A child is an Illinois resident when the caretaker relative they live with is an Illinois resident. Children from out of state placed in foster care in Illinois under Title IV-E are Illinois residents for Medical.
Individuals may provide verification of residence, or if homeless, self-attestation and use of the FCRC mailing address is permitted. Should guidance be required, contact HFS Bureau of Medical Eligibility Policy.