MR #06.04: Recipient Identification Number (RIN)

MR #06.4: Recipient Identification Number (RIN)


  • One of our DHS priorities is to unify our agency for the benefit of those we serve.
  • One step toward integrated services is to implement a single customer identification number for DHS services.
  • Just as the Division of Human Capital Development (HCD) currently identifies cash, medical, and food stamp customers individually with a Recipient Identification Number (RIN), the agency has also begun to assign RINs to customers who receive other DHS services (i.e., services provided by Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Rehabilitation Services, Community Health and Prevention, and Alcoholism and Substance Abuse.)
  • Regardless of the service received, a customer should have a single RIN.
  • We are revising the criteria that is used for selecting a previously assigned RIN to include those assigned to a customer who has received services other than cash, medical, or food stamps.
  • When assigning a RIN to a customer who is being approved for cash, medical, or food stamps, determine if the customer has already been assigned a RIN. If so, effective immediately, use the re-defined criteria for selecting a previously assigned RIN.