WAG 25-06-05-h: Budgeting

Retrospective Budgeting/Monthly Reporting

Retrospective budgeting became effective:

  • Monthly Reporting SNAP units: 07/83 payment month
  • All Other SNAP units: 12/83 payment month

Effective 01/02 retrospective budgeting became obsolete in determining eligibility or benefit level, except for overpayments computed for periods prior to 01/02 in which retrospective budgeting was used to determine the level of benefits.

Prospective Budgeting/Quarterly Reporting

Effective with the 08/86 payment month, prospective budgeting was reinstated for SNAP units in which all adults were qualifying members and the SNAP unit had no earned income.

Effective March 1999, all SNAP units in Monthly Reporting were converted to Quarterly Reporting and prospective budgeting. SNAP cases with earned income or that lost earned income in the last 3 months were included in Quarterly Reporting.

Effective January 2002, prospective budgeting began to be used for all eligibility determinations and benefit calculations except for overpayments computed for periods prior to 01/02 in which retrospective budgeting was used to determine the level of benefits.

Effective December 2003, Quarterly Reporting cases with earned income were converted to EI REDE status. The last quarterly reports were sent in August 2003. Cases in EI REDE status are assigned 6 month approval periods. The REDEs alternate between a mail-in application and a face-to-face interview. Cases in EI REDE status are only required to report when their income exceeds the gross income limit for their unit size.

New TextEffective May 2008 the EI REDE process was expanded to include most Category 08 (Food Stamp Only) cases.  As a result of the addition of Category 08 cases without earned income, the name was changed to EZ REDE.