Simplified Processing SNAP Units
- 12/23/1985 -04/11/2010
- For simplified processing SNAP units the asset requirements are met. Effective 04/12/10, the term simplified processing unit is renamed categorically eligible unit.
Categorically Eligible SNAP Units
- 04/12/2010 & After
- Effective 04/12/10, the term simplified processing unit is changed to categorically eligible unit and the policy expanded to include most SNAP units. The asset requirement is met for categorically eligible SNAP units (PM 05-07-00).
SNAP Units with a Qualifying Member
- 03/1979 - 04/1986
- $3,000 SNAP unit of 2 or more members when at least one member is age 60 or over.
- 05/1986 - 09/2011
- $3,000 SNAP unit of one or more members when at least one member is age 60 or over.
- 10/2011 - 09/2017
- $3,250 SNAP unit of one or more members when at least one member is age 60 or over.
- 10/2017 - 09/2021
- $3,500 SNAP unit of one or more members when at least one member is age 60 or over.
- 10/2021 & After
- $3,750 SNAP unit of one or more members when at least one member is age 60 or over.
Note: Effective 04/12/2010, the asset limit only applies to SNAP units that are not categorically eligible (PM 05-07-00).
SNAP Units without a Qualifying Member
- 03/1979 - 04/2086
- $1,500 for all other SNAP units.
- 05/1986 -09/2014
- $2,000 for all other SNAP units.
- 10/2014 - 09/2021
- $2,250 for all other SNAP units.
- 10/1021 & After
- $2,500 for all other SNAP units.
Note: Effective 04/12/2010, the asset limit only applies to SNAP units that are not categorically eligible (PM 05-07-00).
SNAP Units with a Member Receiving TANF or SSI
- 10/1991 & After
- All assets of an SNAP unit member who receives TANF or SSI are exempt.
SNAP Units with Substantial Lottery and Gambling Winnings
Effective 04/21/2021, all active SNAP units, regardless of categorical eligibility are subject to a lottery or gambling winnings resource limit (PM 07-04-01).
- 04/21/2021 & After
- $3,500