156 DRD
(TANF Cash Only)
Medical Barrier Date
Under SUP. BY, enter one of the following codes:
- 1 - Chronically ill customer
- 2 - Temporarily ill customer
- 3 - Family Care Barrier
P - Pending Medical/Family Care Barrier A - Appeal of denial of Medical/Family Care Barrier
Under DATE:
SUP. BY 1, 2 or 3 - Enter date review is due.
SUP. BY P - Enter date barrier is claimed.
SUP. BY A - Enter date appeal is filed.
(Parent/All Kids Assist Only)
Cohen vs. Miller Compensation Payments
Payment made for late disposition of a Medical Only case.
(TANF Cash Only)
Last Norman Month (DCFS Norman Case)
Requires entry of 4-digit date under PERSONS (the month after the month DCFS expects to return children to home).
(All Kids Premium Only)
Case Canceled Due to Nonpayment of Premiums
Centrally entered when a All Kids Premium case is centrally canceled when premiums are more than 60 days past due. Case canceled using TAR 07.
NOTE: Code retained on case if it becomes All Kids Share.
- 1 - Premiums are still unpaid
- 2 - Premiums have now been paid
185 CCM
(All Kids/FamilyCare Share & Premium Level 1 Only)
Copayment Cap
Centrally entered to show whether the family has met its $100 copay cap for the year. One of the following codes appears in the SUP. BY column to show the copay status:
- 1 - Copay cap has been met
- 2 - Copay cap not met
(All Kids Rebate Only)
Centrally entered to show that a family received an overpayment under the All Kids Rebate program.
188 PPR (All Kids Assist, Share and Premium Level 1 Only) |
Pending Passive REDE
Centrally entered on cases that meet the criteria for an administrative renewal (formerly called passive renewal).
192 PREM
(All Kids/FamilyCare Premium cases only)
Monthly premium amount. Premium case level is listed under Sup. By. This code is centrally entered and updated based on income listed in Item 80 code 177. Code appears in ACID the next day. |
(TANF Cash Only)
Case eligible for Cash prior to 30th day following application due to eligibility for Crisis Assistance. |
(TANF Cash Only)
Job Search counted toward federal participation requirements. MM/YY date entered with code. (Code centrally entered) |
295 RCE |
Race and Ethnic
Under AMOUNT, enter any of the following alpha characters up to 5 allowing for those who report multiple races:
N - American Indian/Alaskan Native
A - Asian
B - Black or African American
P - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
W - White
D - Did not answer/unknown
D is only allowed if no other race choice is selected.
Enter one of the following ethnicity codes in SUPPLIED BY:
Y - Hispanic or Latino
N - Not Hispanic or Latino
D - Did not answer/unknown
A person may report their race choice, but not their ethnicity; therefore, ETH may be a D if a race is chosen and race may be a D with a Y or N in ETH.
321 PAT
(Asylum Applicant or Torture Victim)
Enter for case containing a person who has an application for asylum pending with the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) or who receives torture treatment services from a federally funded torture treatment center. (The basic number must begin with the letter V.)
Under PERSONS enter the date (MM/YY) of initial eligibility staring with the first backdated month if any. (This code cannot be deleted, nor can the date be changed, even if there is a break in assistance.)
328 DU |
Date of Entry in the U.S.
Enter for a Cash or Medical case which includes a refugee, asylee, Cuban-Haitian entrant, Amerasian, trafficking victim, Iraqi Special Immigrant or Afghan Special Immigrant. Enter the earliest date for anyone on the case.
Under PERSONS, enter the date (MM/YY) the person first came to the U.S. For a Cuban or Haitian, enter the earliest date they were granted parole or otherwise issued INS documentation. For an asylee, enter the date asylum was granted. For a trafficking victim, enter the earliest date they were identified by ORR. For an Iraqi or Afghan Special Immigrant enter either the date they entered the U.S. in Special Immigrant status, or the date they were approved for Special Immigrant status while in the U.S.
Example: If the refugee entered the United States in July 2008, enter 07/08 under PERSONS.
Requires the letter A or Y in the first position of the basic number in Item 1.
331 HCBC
(TANF Cash & All Kids Only)
Home & Community-Based Care for Medically Fragile and Technology Dependent Children
Centrally entered to identify a child approved for a Home and Community-Based Care Waiver. Month and year waiver approved is entered under PERSONS (Stops TANF counter.)
333 DCR
(Family Health Plans/AABD Medical)
Date of Cash Request
Enter with TA 31/TAR A7 to register a request for a SWAP from Medical to Cash
Under AMOUNT, enter the 6-digit date the SWAP request was made.
334 DENY
(Family Health Plans/AABD Medical)
Date of Denial
Enter when a request for a SWAP to Cash is denied.
Enter in AMOUNT the 6-digit date the SWAP request was denied. Enter in PERSONS the 2-digit denial TAR.
Process the SWAP denial using TA 31/TAR A8.
335 HCBS |
In-Home Support and Residential Waivers for Children with Developmental Disabilities (DD); or
Medically Fragile Technology Dependent Children (MFTD/HCBC) Waiver
Centrally entered to identify a child approved for a Home and Community-Based Services Waiver.
RIN = Recipient number of child receiving waiver services
PERS = MO/YR effective date of waiver approval
TCOST = Type of waiver
01 - Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD/HCBC) Waiver
02 - In-Home Support and Residential Waivers for Children with Developmental Disabilities (DD)
SBY = Parental income
1 - Child does not live with parent(s)
2 - Child is eligible even when considering parental income
3 - Child is only eligible by waiving parental income
4 - Parent(s) refuse to provide income information
361 HIPP |
Health Insurance Premium Payment
Centrally entered when a person is enrolled in HIPP.
(TANF Only)
Earned Income Deduction Information (reference only)
Shows the amount of self-employment business expenses a customer may have, the customer's RIN, the amount of the adult/teen/child care deduction, if allowed, and the number of persons requiring care.
643 REDE
(TANF Only)
Centrally entered when TANF Eligibility Information
(Form 4002) is mailed.
651 EE |
Earnings Ended
Enter when it is reported or discovered that a customer's earnings have stopped. Under PERSONS, enter the 4-digit month/year that the customer received the last paycheck.
For example, customer calls stating she was laid off on 01/28/98. She will receive her last paycheck on 02/02/98. Under CODE enter 651, under ITEM ABBREV. enter EE, and under PERSONS enter 02/98.
The purpose of this code is to prevent unnecessary PAL C and N code referrals.
655 UIEND |
Enter when a customer stops receiving UI benefits and no one else in the TANF, Medical, or SNAP unit is receiving UI. Under PERSONS enter the 4-digit date that represents the month and year the customer received their last UI payment. The entry can be for a past month, the present month or up to 2 calendar months in the future.
Example: If code 655 is entered on 8/30/04, the date under PERSONS can be any month up to and including 10/04.
This code prevents unnecessary U code selections on the PAL. A U code will not select if code 655 is present in Item 80, the date under PERSONS is up to two months prior to the date of the PAL, and no UI is being budgeted on the case.
656 EZ RD |
REDE Method for Cases in 6-Month EZ REDE Status
Centrally entered and only applies to cases with SNAP. SUP. BY code: F means next REDE is face-to-face; M means next REDE is mail-in.
REDE Method for cases in 12-Month Mid-Point Reporting. SUP. BY code: I means next point of contact is an interim Mid-Point Report form
Code 656 is centrally retained for 3 months after SNAP is stopped due to the expiration of the approval period. The first month of ineligibility (4-digit MO/YR) is entered under PERSONS.
During the period 06/2012 through 11/2015, SNAP approval periods were extended 6 months for SNAP only (category 08) and Family Health Plan (category 94/96) SNAP cases due for mail in rede. Those cases with 801, 802, or 654 in Item 90 that had a SNAP benefit amount of $400 or higher were not extended. The cases with approval periods centrally extended were coded with a C, D, E, G, J, K or L in Item 80 656 Total Cost field. Codes C, D, E,G, J, K, or L in Item 80 656 Total Cost field are retained and displayed in ACID and on the Form 552.
665 ADR |
Address Change
Centrally entered when an address change is made using TA 31/TAR 42. One of the following codes appears in SUP. BY to identify who processed the change:
- C - Child Support
- E - EBT Illinois Link Helpline
- H- HFS Health Benefits and All Kids Hotline
- L - FCRC
- M - U.S. Postal Service (National Change of Address) data
- O - Bureau of Customer Support and Services
- P - Work and Training (Employability Services or Teen Parent Services Contractor)
Under the PERSONS column, the centrally entered date that is the 14th day after the entry date of TA 31/TAR 42.
668 OOC |
Office of Choice
Entered on all regular roll approvals and whenever a customer requests their case be transferred to an office that does not usually serve the area where they reside. Enter Item 80 code 668 OOC with the 4 digit month/year of the application date or the date they requested the transfer in the Persons column and the 3 digit office number of the Office of Choice in the Total Cost column.
Note: Once Item 668 OOC is entered, it can not be deleted but may be updated when the customer requests their case be transferred to another office that does not usually serve the area where they reside.
673 YRS
(TANF Only)
School Attendance Initiative
This code is entered by the EPU when changing the case to protective payment status (PPSA). After entry by EPU, it may be entered and deleted by the local office. It tells you that the child is enrolled in a year-round school. The entry of this code prevents the central lifting of the sanction in June each year. See PM 03-22-04-b and WAG 03-22-04-b.
675 CAF
(TANF Only)
Responsibility and Services Plan (RSP) Completed
Under PERSONS, enter the 4-digit month/year completion date. Update the date in this code each time the customer's goals, objectives, or activities are revised.
Under SUP. BY, enter 1 if the date is entered or revised by the local office. If the date is centrally entered or revised, a 2 appears under SUP. BY.
677 BWFI
(TANF Only)
Budget Work First Income (non-needs code). System enters customer RIN & date. |
678 RWFI
(TANF Only)
Remove Work First Income (non-needs code). System enters code with customer RIN & date. |
680 PWS
(TANF and FHP Only)
Expected Date of Delivery
Under PERSONS, enter the month and year of the expected delivery date of the child. Used to authorize benefits for the husband/civil union partner when the pregnant woman is excluded from the unit.
Requires an S in Item 28.
(TANF and FHP Only)
Intensive Case Review
Enter when an intensive case review has been completed. Under PERSONS enter the 4-digit date that represents the calendar month and year in which the multi-disciplinary staffing was completed.
Code 682 can be entered on a TANF case or a category 94/96 case. The code will remain on a TANF case that is SWAPPED to Medical and a Medical case SWAPPED to TANF.
(TANF Only)
Exception Review Month
Enter for each person approved for an exception to the TANF 60-month limit. Enter the RIN and, under PERSONS, the 4-digit month and year a review of the exception is due.
Requires an exception code in Item 60.
(TANF and FHP Only)
Exception Request
Enter with the RIN of the person who requests an exception to the TANF 60-month limit. Also enter the 6-digit date of request under AMOUNT and P for Pending under SUP. BY. On disposition of the request, change P to A (Approved) or D (Denied). System deletes 686 code after entry of A or D.
(TANF Only)
3-Month Extension
Prevents central action due to the 60-month time limit. Contains the RIN of the person who had the exception, the MO/YR the exception was deleted under PERSONS, and the deleted exception code under SUP. BY. System automatically enters code 687 for the month an exception code other than A is deleted from Item 60. System removes code 687 after 3 months or when new exception code is entered. FCRC cannot enter, change, or remove code.
(TANF Only)
Minor Parent Not Meeting Live- at -home Requirement
Enter this code manually on cases containing a minor parent when the minor parent does not meet the live-at-home requirement or is not exempt from it. Under PERSONS enter the 4-digit date which is the first regular roll month TANF is received without meeting the live-at-home requirement. Entry of this code is required when Item 20 is coded 26.
789 FYB
(not valid for SNAP only cases)
Five Year Bar for noncitizen children who are legal permanent residents
Enter this code when adding a noncitizen child who is a legal permanent resident with a date of entry less than 5 years. Enter the child's RIN and the 4 digit month and year of the date the child became a legal permanent resident. Entry of this code is required when Item 74 is coded 38.