27-33-04-m: SNAP Denials (TA 05 and TA 62)

Use the TARS in this sub-topic for Food Stamp applications under any category to deny an application (TA 05) or person in an application. Use TA 62 with TAR 90 to change the category or case ID number.

For denials (TA 05), the following TARs generate a central denial notice (Form 360C) with the related reason, unless Item 39 is coded to suppress the notice. If the central notice is suppressed, the Family Community Resource Center must complete and send the Denied Food Stamps Section of the manual Form 360 series (Form 360N).

Some of the TARs are used to notify the unit of the reason why a person was excluded for benefits. If a TAR applies to person-level only, the TAR Box shows (Person Only). If the TAR applies to both person-level and case-level, the TAR Box shows (Person & Case).

NOTE: For denial reason messages in Spanish, see Table 2 at the end of this sub-topic.

Table 1 - SNAP Denial Reasons, English Messages

03 Applicant failed to appear for eligibility interview. Due to your failure to keep appointments your eligibility cannot be established. PM 02-06
04 Applicant refused to cooperate in determining eligibility. You refused to cooperate in completing the application process. PM 17-04
(Person & Case)
Applicant does not meet citizen/INS requirements. You do not meet Department citizenship/ alienage requirements. PM 03-01
(Person & Case)
SSN requirement not met. You refused to comply with the Social Security Number requirements. PM 03-11
07 Applicant not an Illinois resident. Household does not reside in Illinois. PM 03-02
08 Does not meet the criteria of separate FS unit. You do not meet the definition of a separate household because you are considered a member of the household with which you reside. PM 04-05
09 Applicant institutionalized. You live in an institution. PM 04-05
10 Unit considered a boarder. You are not eligible as a separate household because you are considered a boarder member of the household with which you reside. PM 04-05
(Person & Case)
Disqualified for Intentional Program Violation. You have been disqualified to participate due to the finding of intentional program violation. PM 04-05
12 Applicant not a unit member and not an authorized representative. The individual filing the application is not a household member and not an authorized representative. PM 02-02
(Person & Case)
Does not meet special student eligibility criteria. You do not meet any of the special student eligibility requirements. PM 03-04
21 On strike. You do not meet income, assets and/or other eligibility factors determined on the day before the strike began. PM 03-12
23 Applicant failed to give information needed to decide eligibility. Due to your failure to provide necessary information to the Department, your eligibility cannot be established. PM 17-04
(Person Only)
Child under 22 does not live with the unit at least 1/2 time. You do not live with the FS unit at least 50% of the time. PM 04-05
(Person & Case)
Applicant included in another FS unit. You are already a member of a food stamp household. PM 04-05
39 Applicant refused to accept a suitable job offer. You or a member of your household refused to accept a suitable job offer. PM 03-15
44 Value of assets exceeds asset limits. Your household's asset value exceeds the maximum allowed by agency standards. PM 07-04
45 Did not comply with policy to disclose and verify assets. You did not provide verification of your household's assets as required by Department policy. PM 07-04
46 Did not comply with asset transfer policy.
(Send local Form 360 to advise of length of disqualification.)
You transferred your household's assets. The transfer was not in compliance with Department policy. PM 07-04
48 revised textIncome exceeds gross/net income standard. revised textYour household's income is above the amount allowed by Department policy. PM 13-01
deleted text
53 Did not comply with policy to disclose and verify income. You did not provide verification of your household's income as required by Department policy. PM 08-04
57 Sponsor's liability meets needs. The income and/or assets of your sponsor and/or sponsor's spouse is more than allowed by policy. PM 09-01
58 Sponsor did not comply with policy to disclose and verify income or assets. Your sponsor and/or sponsor's spouse refuses to comply with Department policy regarding disclosure of income and/or assets. PM 09-01 PM 01-02
60 Application withdrawn. You withdrew your application. PM 17-04
67 Applicant failed to comply with a FS Work Provision without good cause. You or a member of your household quit their most recent job or reduced work hours to less than 30 per week without good cause. PM 03-15
(Person Only)
Person no longer lives with unit. You are no longer living with the household. PM 04-05
(Person Only)
Roomer or live-in attendant. You are a roomer or live-in attendant and are not considered a household member. PM 04-05
81 Unemployment benefits, as verified by AWVS. Your income from Unemployment Insurance is above the gross/net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
82 Earned income, as discovered by AWVS. Your income from employment is above the gross/net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
83 Receives SSI, as verified by SDX. Your Supplemental Security Income is above the net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
84 SSA, as verified by BENDEX. Your Social Security income is above the gross/net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
85 Income, as verified by BEER. Your self-employment, agricultural or pension income is above the gross/net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
86 Unearned income, as verified by Unearned Income Data Match. Your income from Interest, Dividends, Gambling Winnings, etc. is above the gross/net income amount allowed by Department policy. PM 08-04
87 Assets, as verified by Unearned Income Data Match. The value of your household's assets from Interest, Dividends, etc. exceeds the maximum allowed by Department policy. PM 07-04
90 Change or correct ID number or category. TA 62 Only No notice is sent.
97 Does not meet work requirement. You do not meet the work requirement. PM 03-25
99 Refused to cooperate with a Quality Control Review. You have refused to cooperate with a Quality Control Review. PM 22-09
A2 Fleeing jurisdiction in a felony case or violating terms of probation/parole. You are a fugitive felon or probation/parole violator. PM 03-23 
A6 Ineligible due to sanction for failure to cooperate with FSE&T. You or a member of your household failed to cooperate with the Food Stamp Employment & Training Program. PM 03-15, PM 21-06
D6 Net income over level at which benefits are issued Your income is too high to receive food stamps. Reapply if the number of people eating with you changes or your income or expenses change. PM 13-01
E3 Applicant failed to provide signature page. We cannot decide if you can get the benefits you applied for. We did not receive the page with your signature or other information we asked for. PM 02-04
E6 Applicant already receiving requested assistance. You are already receiving the benefits you requested. PM 02-04-09
03 Debido a su fallo en mantener citas su elegibilidad no puede ser establecida. PM 02-06
04 Usted rehusó cooperar en completar el proceso de aplicación. PM 17-04
05 Usted no reúne los requisitos de ciudadanía o de extranjero legal. PM 03-01
06 Usted rehusó en cumplir con los requisitos del número de seguro social. PM 03-11
07 La familia no vive en Illinois. PM 03-02
08 Usted no reune la definicion de una familia aparte porque usted esta considerado miembro de la familia con la cual usted vive. PM 04-05
09 Usted vive en una institucion. PM 04-05
10 Usted no es elegible como una familia aparte porque usted esta considerado como un miembro pupilo de la familia con la cual usted vive. PM 04-05
11 Usted ha sido descalificado para participacion debido al descubrimiento de violacion intencional del programa. PM 04-05
12 El individuo archivando la aplicacion no es un miembro de la familia y no es un representante autorizado. PM 02-02
15 Usted no reune ninguno de los requisitos especiales de elegibilidad estudiantil. PM 03-04
21 Usted no reune los factores de elegibilidad de ingresos, bienes y/o otros factores de elegibilidad determinados en el dia antes de la huelga empezar. PM 03-12
23 Debido a su fallo en proveer informacion necesaria el Departamento, su elegibilidad no puede ser establecida. PM 17-04
24 Usted no vive con la unidad de Estampillas de Comida por FCRC memos 50% del tiempo. PM 04-05
27 Usted es ya miembro de un hogar de sellos de comida. PM 04-05
39 Usted o un miembro de su hogar ha rehusado aceptar una oferta de trabajo. PM 03-15
44 El valor de los bienes de su hogar exceden la cantidad maxima permitida por poliza del Departamento. PM 07-04
45 Usted no proveyo verificacion de los bienes en su hogar como requerido por polize del Departamento. PM 07-04
46 Usted traspaso los bienes de su hogar. Este traspaso no estaba en cumplimiento con polize del Departamento. PM 07-04
48 revised textEl ingreso de su hogar sobrepasa la cantidad permitida por el reglamento del Departamento.PM 13-01
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53 Usted no proveyo verificacion de los ingresos en su hogar como requerido por polize del Departamento. PM 08-04
57 Los ingresos y/o bienes de su patrocinador y/o esposo(a) del patrocinador son mas que los permitidos por poliza. PM 09-01
58 Su patrocinador y/o esposo(a) del patrocinador rehusa en cumplir con poliza del Departamento concerniente con revelacion de ingresos y/o bienes. PM 09-01 PM 01-02
60 Usted retiro su aplicacion. PM 17-04
67 Usted o un miembro de su hogar sin justificación, dejó su trabajo más reciente o ha reducido sus horas de trabajo a menos de 30 horas por semana. PM 03-15
72 Usted ya no vive con la familia. PM 04-05
73 Usted es un huesped o sirviente en el hogar y no se considera miembro del hogar. PM 04-05
81 Sus ingresos de Beneficios por Compensacion de Desempleo son mas que la cantidad de ingresos brutos/netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
82 Sus ingresos de trabajo son mas que la cantidad de ingresos brutos/netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
83 Sus Ingresos de Seguridad Suplementales son mas que la cantidad de ingresos netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
84 Sus ingresos del Seguro Social son mas que la cantidad de ingresos brutos/netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
85 Sus ingresos de trabajo propio, pension o agricultura son mas que la cantidad de ingresos brutos/netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
86 Sus ingresos de Intereses, Dividendos, Ganancias de Juego, etc. son mas que la cantidad de ingresos brutos/netos permitidos por poliza del Departamento. PM 08-04
87 El valor de su capital de Intereses, Dividendos, etc. excede el maximo permitido por poliza del Departamento. PM 07-04
90 No notice sent.
97 Usted no cumple con los requisitos de trabajo. PM 03-25
99 Usted ha rehusado en cooperar con una Revision de Control de Calidad. PM 22-09
A2 Usted es un fugitivo de un delito grave o ha violado su libertad condicional. PM 03-23
A6 Usted o un miembro de su hogar no cooperó con el Programa de Empleo y Entrenamiento de Estampillas de Comida. PM 03-15, PM 21-06
D6 Sus ingresos son muy altos para recibir estampillas de comida. Solicite nuevamente si el número de personas que comen con usted cambia o si sus ingresos o gastos cambian. PM 13-01
E2 La cantidad de sus beneficios de Estampillas de Comida Transicionales es mayor que la cantidad de sus beneficios regulares de Estampillas de Comida.
E3 No podemos determinar si usted es elegible para los beneficios que solicitó. No recibimos la página con su firma u otra información que le pedimos.  PM 02-04
E6 Usted ya recibe beneficios que usted pidió.  PM 02-04-09