- Activity Codes
- Work & Training Activities Fields
Enter in the designated fields, ACT. DATE (Activity Date), ACT. (Activity Code), HRS. (Weekly Hours), MGR. (Activity Manager), CON. DATE (Control Date), and, if eligible, TRS (Transportation Allowance, for automated payment) if client is in a work, training, or other self-sufficiency activity. Up to 3 entries may be made in this area for each person. This data is recorded in the CDB.
Activity Codes
Activity codes are used in the ACT. field of the Work and Training Activities area to describe the different types of activities the client is active in.
The Activity Code has 4 digits. The last 3 digits are an activity code and the first digit is based on which program staff manage the client's participation in the activity.
The program staff codes are:
0 |
Family Community Resource Center TANF Worker |
2 |
Teen Parent Services (TPS) |
3 |
TANF Service Provider/Contractor |
Enter the activity code when the client is approved for a work and training or other self-sufficiency activity.
When the client changes activities, replace the old activity code with the new code.
If the client ends an activity and does not enter a new activity, enter the close-out code (999) with the same first digit as the previous activity code.
If a client is engaged in more than one activity, enter each activity. A maximum of 3 activities may be entered.
NOTE: The 4-digit activity code is also required with Item 80 needs codes on Mercury supportive service payment authorizations. (See WAG 27-80-01-d for child care or WAG 27-80-01-e for supportive services.)
200 |
Job Search/Job Readiness |
211 |
Work First |
222 |
Job Skills Training |
342 |
Associate or Bachelor Degree Program |
346 |
Community Service |
350 |
Vocational Training Program |
355 |
HS/GED for Teen Parent |
356 |
Education Related to Employment |
530 |
Work Experience |
611 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Services |
612 |
Child Support/Financial Resources |
613 |
Health |
614 |
Basic Needs |
615 |
Child Safety |
616 |
Medical/Family Care Services |
783 |
Alcohol/Substance Abuse Services |
784 |
Domestic/Sexual Violence Services |
788 |
Mental Health |
999 |
Closed Out |
Work & Training Activities Fields
Complete the following related fields with the 4-digit activity code. All fields must be entered each time except for the transportation amount or when an activity code remains the same. If the activity code remains the same, only the changed fields must be entered.
- Weekly Hours (HRS.) - Enter the total number of hours (01-55) the client spends in the work and training activity each week.
For clients in more than one Work and Training activity, enter the correct number of hours with each activity code. Do not include time spent in Job Search for Work First, Community Service, and Work Experience. Job Search is part of these programs, not a separate activity. Do not code Job Search as a separate activity.
Use an average figure for the month. Divide monthly hours by 4 to get a weekly average. For code 715 and code 999, enter 00 as the number of hours.
- Activity Manager (MGR.) - If the first digit of the Activity Code starts with 0 (activity handled by Family Community Resource Center), enter your 3-digit Family Community Resource Center number.
If the first digit of the Activity Code starts with 2, TPS staff enters the Activity Manager Code.
If the first digit of the Activity Code starts with 3 (Client Referred to a Service Provider), enter the code for the service provider.
Central office staff assign Activity Manager Codes to service providers who have a formal contract or agreement with DHS. The following letters in the first position show the type of service provided:
S - Welfare-to-Work
W - Work First
X - Job Placement and Retention
These codes are provided to each FCRC with specific instructions on when to use each code. See the local referral liaison for service provider codes.
The FCRC referral liaison assigns an Activity Manager Code to each service provider in the community who does not have a formal contract or agreement with DHS. The following letters in the first position show the type of services provided:
A - Alcohol and Substance Abuse
B -
Domestic/Sexual Violence
C - Mental Health
D - Other
- Control Date (CON. DATE) - Enter in the month, day, and year fields the 6-digit date the client's participation should be reviewed.
This date must be at least 30 days and no more than 6 months in the future. The time period starts with the date of entry, not the activity start date.
Entry of a control date is an optional entry for Activity Codes.
- Transportation (TRS) - To authorize a recurring Mercury payment to the client, enter the dollar amount (no cents) of the client's monthly transportation expense. This amount is centrally authorized each month at schedule cut-off.
If there is no regular monthly transportation cost or the service provider issues the payment to the client, enter zeros.
The transportation allowance covers travel necessary to attend scheduled appointments and activities, or travel necessary to find and take children to child care. (See PM 21-05-05.)
NOTE: Do not enter transportation expenses for employer contacts for cases coded Job Search/Job Readiness (200), Work First (211), Community Service (346), or Work Experience (530). The automated $20 Job Search Allowance (JSA) covers all transportation costs for employer contacts.
An added amount can be authorized for transportation expenses to attend job club or job skills training meetings or to find and take children to child care for clients in these activities.