27-33-01-k: Deletion (TA 34 or TA 36)

  1. DELETION - Cash and Medical, except for All Kids Share, Premium, or Rebate
  2. DELETION - All Kids Share, Premium, Rebate

This sub-topic describes the TARs used to remove a person from a TANF, RRA Cash,  FHP or CountyCare case using TA 34 (local action) or TA 36 (central action). For component SNAP persons in Cash/SNAP or FHP/SNAP cases, see WAG 27-33-04-h.

NOTE: To only change a component SNAP person's benefit status (Item 78 code from 7 to 8 or from 8 to 7) use TA 31. This is not considered a deletion. Do not use TA 34.

For most deletion TARs, a central notice is sent unless suppressed in Item 39.

The deletion TARs in this sub-topic are broken down into 2 separate charts, by program:

  • TANF, RRA Cash, Assist, Moms and Babies, RRA Medical and CountyCare
  • All Kids Share, All Kids Premium, and All Kids Rebate

DELETION - Cash and Medical, except for All Kids Share,  Premium, or Rebate


Alleged father failed to cooperate in establishing paternity.

P4 case. See WAG 03-05-01-b

x___________x has been deleted from your case because you failed to cooperate in establishing relationship to the child(ren). PM 03-05

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque usted falló en cooperar para establecer el parentesco con el/los niño(s).


Failed to cooperate with CSE and not child's parent.

Revised text(Cash and Medical, except RRA, CountyCare)

x___________x has been deleted from your case because you failed or refused to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement for a child(ren) in your case. PM 24-01

x___________x se quitó de su caso porque usted falló o rehusó cooperar con el Cumplimiento de Mantenimiento de Niños para el(los) niño(s) en su caso.


Receipt of SSI

(Cash and SNAP)

x___________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. PM 03-03

Your food stamp benefits have decreased because your budgetable food stamp income has increased. PM 13-02

Sus beneficios de estampillas de comida han disminuido porque sus ingresos presupuestables para estampillas de comida han aumentado.


Child age 19.

(Cash and Medical, new textexcept CountyCare)

TA 34 or TA 36

x___________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is age 19 and is no longer eligible for cash or medical benefits. PM 03-04

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque tiene 19 años de edad y ya no es elegible para los beneficios de dinero ni médicos.


Person has died

(Cash and Medical)

x___________x has been deleted from your case due to death.

PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso debido a muerte.


No longer living with the unit

(Cash and Medical)

x___________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is no longer living with you. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque ya no vive con usted.


No relative in the home who can be caretaker

(TANF Only)

x__________x has been deleted from your case because there is no specified relative living in your home to act as caretaker. PM 03-05

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso debido a que no existe un pariente específico viviendo en su hogar que actúe como encargado.


Child not in home and no longer under the care and supervision of caretaker.

Revised text(Cash and Medical, except RRA, CountyCare) 

x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is absent from your home and is no longer under your care and supervision. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque está ausente de su hogar y ya no está bajo su cuidado y supervisión.


Will be absent from home for more than 3 months and has another residence.

(Cash and Medical, except RRA)

 x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is absent from your home and the absence will exceed 3 months, and he/she has established a permanent home elsewhere. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque está ausente de su hogar y la ausencia excederá a los 3 meses, y ha establecido residencia permanente en otro lugar.


Child support payments earmarked

(TANF Only)

x__________x has been deleted from your case because you have chosen to earmark his/her child support payments. PM 08-01

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque usted escogió separar sus pagos del mantenimiento de niños.


Citizen/BCIS criteria not met.

(Cash and Medical) 

x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she does not meet the citizenship/alien requirements. PM 03-01 PM 03-01

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque no cumple con los requisitos de ciudadanía/extranjero.


Client's request

(Cash and Medical) 

Per your request, x___________x has been deleted from your case. PM 01-01

Debido a su petición, x___________x se ha quitado de su caso.


Not relative or parent of child, or spouse of caretaker

Revised text(Cash and Medical, except RRA, CountyCare) 

x_________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is not the caretaker relative, parent of an eligible child, or spouse of the caretaker relative. PM 04-01

x_________x fue quitado de su caso porque él/ella no es el familiar responsable, padre/madre de un(a) niño(a) elegible, o esposo(a) del familiar responsable.


Medical Extension income over 185% of FPL

(Category 94 or 96 and Item 25 = X) 

x_________x will not receive medical benefits because your income is too high. All other persons in the case will continue to receive medical benefits because they are younger than age 19. PM 18-03

x_________x No recibirá beneficios médicos porque su ingreso es muy alto. Todas las otras personas en el caso continuarán recibiendo beneficios médicos porque son menores de 19 anos de edad.


Medical extension income report form not received

(Category 94 or 96 and Item 25 = X) 

x_________x will not receive medical benefits because you did not return your redetermination form. All other persons in the case will continue to receive medical benefits because they are younger than age 19. PM 18-03

x_________x no recibirá beneficios médicos porque usted no devolvió su formulario de redeterminación. Todas las otras personas en el caso continuarán recibiendo beneficios médicos porque son menores de 19 anos de edad.


Medical extension income report form not received

(Category 94 or 96 and Item 25 = X) 

x_________x will not receive medical benefits because you did not return you redetermination form. All other persons in the case will continue to receive medical benefits because they are younger than age 19. PM 18-03

x_________x no recibirá beneficios médicos porque usted no devolvió su formulario de redeterminación. Todas las otras personas en el caso continuarán recibiendo beneficios médicos porque son menores de 19 anos de edad.


Failed to cooperate with activity requirement and not required to be in unit.

(TANF Only) 

x__________x has been deleted from the case because he/she failed or refused to cooperate with the activity requirement. PM 03-21

x__________x ha sido quitado del caso porque no ha cumplido o rehusó cooperar con el requisito de la actividad.


Did not cooperate with CSE process.

FCRC completes the notice.

(Medical, except Moms & Babies and RRA) 

Enter reason Child Support Sanction, (see WAG 24-04-04 for list of reasons and messages). PM 24-01

Receipt of disability income

(Cash Only) 

x__________x has been deleted from your case because their disability income makes them ineligible for TANF Cash. PM 04-01

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque sus ingresos por deshabilidad FCRC hace inelegible para beneficios económicos de TANF.


Failed to provide an SSN

(Cash and Medical) 

) x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she has failed to provide a Social Security Number. PM 03-11

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque no ha provisto un Numero de Seguro Social.


Delete adult - spenddown not met for 3 months.

Revised text(Medical, except RRA, CountyCare) 

x_________x is being deleted from your case because they have not met spenddown during the last 3 months. The rest of the persons in your case will continue to receive their MediPlan Card. PM 15-08

x_________x ha sido quitado del caso debido a que no ha cumplido con su obligación de pago durante los últimos 3 meses. El resto de las personas en el caso continuarán recibiendo la Tarjeta MediPlan.


Adult deleted from a Medical case due to failure to apply for available benefits.

Enter the 6-digit date of noncooperation in REMARKS.

Revised text(Cash and Medical, except RRA, CountyCare) 

Your family may be eligible for other benefits but did not apply for them. For that reason, X_________X cannot get medical benefits any longer. PM 18-05

Su familia puede ser elegible para otros beneficios pero nosolicitaron. Por esa razon, X_________X ya no puede recibir beneficios medicos.


Adult deleted from a Medical case due to failure to verify income.

Enter the 6-digit date of noncooperation in REMARKS.

(Cash and Medical, except RRA) 

X_________X cannot get medical benefits any longer because you did not give us proof of your family's income by _____________. PM 18-05

X________________X ya no puede recibar beneficios medicos debido a que usted no nos dio comprobantes de los ingresos de su familia para el _________________.


Removed to set up own case.

(Cash and Medical, except RRA) 

No notice is sent.

Medical Eligibility based on pregnancy that no longer exists.

(Family Assist, FamilyCare Assist and Moms & Babies)

Your eligibility for benefits was based on your pregnancy.  You are no longer pregnant and the sixty (60) day extended medical coverage has ended.

An infant born to an incarcerated woman or a woman who does not meet immigration requirements is being removed from the Assist case because the mother has received benefits for 12 months. An All Kids Share or Premium case is being set up.

(Medical only new textexcept CountyCare) 

Form 2434E sent to family.

Adult(s) and their child(ren) ineligible due to the TANF 60-month time limit

(TANF Only) TA 34 or TA 36

x__________X is ineligible for TANF Cash due to the 60-month lifetime limit. PM 03-06 (TANF)

x__________X no es elegible para dinero de TANF debido al límite de 60 meses de por vida.


Removal of RPY, TEMP payee, or FS Payee

(Cash and Medical) 

No notice is sent.
New textG6

Person is categorically eligible to receive medical under a different program.

(CountyCare only)

No notice is sent.
New textG8

Person does not live in Cook County.

(CountyCare only)

X_________X is not living in Cook County.  Enrollment is CountyCare is limited to persons living in Cook County.  PM 06-26

X_________X no vive en el Condado De Cook.  Inscribirse en CountyCare esta limitado a las personas que viven en el Condado Cook.  PM 06-26

DELETION - All Kids Share, Premium, Rebate


04 Child age 19.

TA 34 or TA 36

x___________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is age 19 and is no longer eligible for cash or medical benefits. PM 03-04

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque tiene 19 años de edad y ya no es elegible para los beneficios de dinero ni médicos.

06 Person has died.

x___________x has been deleted from your case due to death. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso debido a muerte.

07 No longer living with the unit.

x___________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is no longer living with you. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x___________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque ya no vive con usted.

09 Child not in home and no longer under the care and supervision of caretaker.

x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is absent from your home and is no longer under your care and supervision. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque está ausente de su hogar y ya no está bajo su cuidado y supervisión.

10 Will be absent from home for more than 3 months and has another residence.

x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she is absent from your home and the absence will exceed 3 months, and he/she has established a permanent home elsewhere. PM 03-05 PM 04-05

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque está ausente de su hogar y la ausencia excederá a los 3 meses, y ha establecido residencia permanente en otro lugar.

new text
new text  
14 Citizen/INS criteria not met.

x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she does not meet the citizenship/alien requirements. PM 03-01

x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque no cumple con los requisitos de ciudadanía/extranjero.

15 Client's request.

Per your request, x___________x has been deleted from your case. PM 01-01

Debido a su petición, x___________x se ha quitado de su caso.

32 Failed to provide an SSN. x__________x has been deleted from your case because he/she has failed to provide a Social Security Number. PM 03-11  PM 03-11 x__________x ha sido quitado de su caso porque no ha proveído un Número de Seguro Social.
41 Person has State of Illinois health insurance available.

x__________x is being deleted from your case because they have State of Illinois group health insurance available to them. PM 06-08

x__________x tiene seguro de salud de grupo del Estado de Illinois disponible para ellos.

43 Removed to set up own case. No notice is sent.
44 Person eligible for Medicaid.

x__________x is eligible for Medicaid. You will receive a separate notice regarding this. If this change affects the amount of your premium, you will receive a separate notice. PM 06-08

x__________x es elegible para Medicaid. Usted recibirá un aviso separado sobre esto. Si este cambio afecta la cantidad de su prima, recibirá un aviso separado.