27-33-00 Item 33: Type Action Reason

Type Action Reason (TAR) refers to the 2-digit code used to identify the specific reason for the action being taken. An Item 33 TAR always requires the entry of a TA in Item 03.

This section is broken down by assistance program as follows:

  • TANF - WAG 27-33-01

    (Includes TANF Cash, RRA Cash, RRA Medical, MPE, Moms & Babies, and All Kids/FamilyCare Assist, All Kids Share, Premium, updated textACA Adult) 

  • AABD - WAG 27-33-02

    (Includes AABD Cash, AABD Medical, QMB Only, SLIB Only, QI-1 Only) 

  • SNAP - WAG 27-33-04
  • (Includes SNAP Only and SNAP under any Category)