PPP and PPU are not valid for Category 08.
Protective Payee Service Unit (Cook County)
For cases going to the Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) in Cook County, line out the name of the client and enter:
- leave 2 spaces
- followed by the appropriate Payee Indicator letters PPP or PPU.
There are no spaces except for one after the comma and 2 before PPP or PPU.
Volunteer Protective Payee (Volunteer/Community Agency Designee)
A friend or relative may offer to serve as a protective payee. A designated person from a private welfare agency or social service agency may also serve as a protective payee.
EPU enters a change to PPP status based on the information entered on Authorization for Deposit of Cash Assistance -- Protective Payee Cases (Form 2493A).
Family Community Resource Center Protective Payee Assigned by FCRC (Other than Cook)
An FCRC staff person can serve as a protective payee when a volunteer payee is not available and the case is in a county other than Cook County.
The Exception Processing Unit (EPU) enters a change to PPP status based on the information entered on Authorization for Deposit of Cash Assistance -- Protective Payee Cases (Form 2493A):
- followed by the first 4 letters of your Family Community Resource Center
- leave 2 spaces
- followed by the appropriate Payee Indicator PPP or PPU.
There are no spaces except one after the comma and 2 before PPP or PPU.
To avoid duplication of the first 4 letters of a Family Community Resource Center, EPU uses the following abbreviations:
Macon: MACN
Whiteside: WTSD
Macoupin: MCPN
Williamson: WLSN
White: WITE