Policy Memo: Assistance to Katrina Evacuees

Policy Memo: Assistance to Katrina Evacuees


  • The purpose of this memorandum is to provide instructions to help with the transition from emergency policy to regular policy for Katrina TANF cash and food stamp customers.
  • For currently active Katrina cases, act on all reported changes in the usual manner.
  • Process Food Stamp REDEs using regular food stamp policy. This includes all factors of eligibility such as household composition. Require appropriate verifications.
  • The Food and Nutrition Services has clarified that 12/05 is the last month that evacuee households are to receive food stamps under the special procedures.
  • Client Notice 05.42, Notice to Katrina Evacuees, was sent on 11/01/05 to Category 04/06 Katrina cases and to food stamp Katrina cases authorized on any category with an approval period that ends 01/06 or later. The notice tells them that their cash and food stamp benefits that were authorized under emergency procedures will stop and that they have the right to apply for regular ongoing benefits.
  • Federal regulations allow short-term cash benefits to be authorized under emergency procedures up to 4 months. The cash benefits to Katrina evacuees under Category 04 and 06 were authorized under these guidelines and will end effective January 2006. Category 04/06 cases will centrally swap to Category 94/96 on 12/12/05.
  • A Katrina customer who is receiving AABD Cash or General Assistance was approved using regular eligibility determination procedures. The central termination of benefits does not apply to them.
  • Effective 11/01/05, process cash and food stamp applications received from Katrina evacuees using regular intake policy. Require appropriate verifications and apply all financial and nonfinancial eligibility factors.
  • Although we will require Katrina customers who apply for ongoing benefits to provide the required verifications, we must remember our responsibility to help them obtain the verifications that are needed.
  • Policy for medical cases will be forthcoming in a separate release.