WAG 25-06-03-b: Asset Limits

Use the appropriate limits when determining asset eligibility.

  1. Prior to October 1981 the amount of the asset limits was based on the number of persons in the case. The asset limits were:
    • Prior to 07/01/80
      • adults and children: $150 plus $50 for each additional family member, or
      • children only: $50 for each dependent child.
    • 07/01/80 - 09/30/81
      • one person: $1,500,
      • 2 persons: $2,250, or
      • more than 2 persons: $2,250 plus $50 for each additional person.
  2. From October 1981 through June 1997, the asset limit was $1,000 of nonexempt assets.
  3. Effective July 1997, the asset limit for nonexempt assets is as follows:
    • one person: $2,000,
    • 2 persons: $3,000, or
    • more than 2 persons: $3,000 plus $50 for each additional person.
  4. new textEffective 08/01/13, assets are not considered when determining eligibility.   

Contact the Bureau of Policy Development if you need additional information.