PM 02-08-03-b.
- After the interview, make all requests for verification for customers who apply for SNAP on Form IL444-267 VCL, Verification Checklist. Allow 10 calendar days to return the needed verifications. Specify the last day on which the verifications are due on the Form IL444-267. The last day must always be a workday.
- If one or two months of SNAP benefits are issued, Notice of Decision (Form IL444-360c) is sent to the customer with the the message: If you were asked to provide additional verifications, these must be submitted before additional SNAP benefits will be approved.
- IES creates an Alert 2 days before the due date of the Form IL444-267 VCL. The alert remains open until the case is certified.
- If the SNAP EDG has not been disposed, an alert will escalate to the manager on day 27 indicating "SNAP EDG has not been disposed".
Waived Verifications Received
When verifications are received within 10 days and eligibility remains, approve on-going benefits. Re-run eligibility, validate the approval and certify the case. IES will determine the approval period using regular SNAP policy for approval periods. The approval period is the rest of the original approval period.
Example: Application received for SNAP only, interview conducted and eligibility for expedited with postponed verifications completed on January 3, 2022 for January benefits and first month benefits issued. Form IL444-267 VCL issued with a due date of January 14th. Verifications are received January 11 and eligibility continues. Re-run eligibility and validate the SNAP EDG. IES will assign the approval end date of February 2023. Certify the case for on-going eligibility.
Verifications Not Returned
If required verifications are not returned by the due date, IES will send an Alert 2 days prior to the due date of Form IL444-267 VCL. Deny the application in IES the first workday following the due date of Form IL444-267 VCL.
Example: Application received for SNAP only, interview conducted and eligibility for expedited with postponed verifications is completed on January 3 for January benefits. First month benefits issued. Form IL444-267 VCL issued with a due date of January 14. Verifications not received by due date. Deny the application January 14 for failure to provide verifications.
Verifications Provided Within 30 days of the Application Date
If verifications are provided after the due date but within 30 days of the date of application and eligibility exists, reopen using the date of the original application to register.
Example: Verifications received within 30 days. Original application of January 3, 2022 and expedited benefits issued with postponed verifications. Verifications received January 22, 2022 and eligibility continues. Reopen using the date of the original application (January 3, 2022).
Verifications Provided Within 60 days of the Application Date
If verifications are provided between the 31st day and the 60th day and eligibility exists, reopen the application and prorate benefits from the date the verifications are received.
Example: Verifications received between day 31 and day 60 of the original application date. Original application of January 3 and expedited benefits issued with postponed verifications. Verifications are received February 8 and eligibility continues. Reopen and prorate covering February 8, 2022 (the date verifications were received) through February 28, 2022. Re-run eligibility and validate the SNAP EDG. IES will assign the approval end date of February 2023. Certify the case for on-going eligibility.
Note: Do not reopen an application for missing an interview. A new application must be filed.