WAG 22-08-10-c: Food Stamp Work Sanction Inquiry System

New subtopic The Food Stamp Work Sanction Inquiry System is listed with the Food Stamp Work Requirement Tracking Inquiry and the TANF 60 Month Tracking Inquiry on the IPACS INQUIRY SYSTEM menu under PF13/F13, FS WORK REQ AND TANF 60 MONTH INQUIRIES.

Manually access the Food Stamp Work Sanction Inquiry as follows. After pressing PF13/F13, enter the client's SSN, put an X after Food Stamp Work Sanction Info, and press Enter.

The WORK SANCTION INQUIRY SYSTEM Screen appears. The inquiry shows the RIN, the date of birth and the first and last name of the person whose SSN was requested. When a RIN is selected, the case name and number, effective date of the sanction, reason for sanction, and length of sanction appear. A "Y" displays in the Manual UPDT field when an add or change was made by the FCRC through the Update System.

Information is centrally posted to the system when code 242 is entered in

Item 80 (see WAG 03-15-08-b and WAG 21-06-10). Information is added to the system by the FCRC through the Update System when a case is denied as a result of a work sanction. FCRC staff may change the information that is entered in the system.

Update System

Staff designated by the Family Community Resource Center Administrator have access to add a sanction or change information in the Food Stamp Work Sanction Inquiry System.

  1. From the Application Selection Screen, select 1, IMSA, and press enter.
  2. Enter /FOR PA840(zero)5AO(letter O). Enter the SSN of the person to be updated in the Food Stamp Work Sanction field.
  3. The Food Stamp Work Sanction Update System screen appears. Add or change the information required to update the system. A "Y" displays in the Manual UPDT field when an add or change was made by the FCRC through the Update System.