CAF is an acronym for "combined application form." The CAF is a single application system for all benefit programs that the Department administers. A CAF can be completed manually, but most are completed and processed through an automated computer system.
caretaker relative
The adult relative, as specified by DHS policy, with whom a TANF child lives. The caretaker relative provides care, supervision, and a home for the child, and usually spends the cash benefits for them.
Legacy: A person or group of persons who receives benefits under a specified benefit program. For example, a TANF case refers to all persons who receive TANF under the same identification number. A SNAP case refers to all people who receive SNAP under the same identification number. Use of the word case is the same as benefit unit (but not the same as filing unit).
IES: An individual or a group of individuals in a household applying for one or more benefits together.
case action
Steps taken by a caseworker to establish the current status of the case or application, for example, Approved, Denied, Pending, etc.
case-based office
An office where cases are assigned to a worker based on worker profiles and current workloads. The worker would perform all necessary case actions.
case mode
The action that is currently being taken on an application/case (Intake, Redetermination, Case Changes, Add a Program, etc.).
case number
Legacy: A uniquie identification number assigned to each benefit unit. The number identifies the type benefits (2-digit category), Family Community Resource Center (3-digit FCRC) that services the case, group (2-digit benefit issuance schedule), and basic number (unique number assigned to the benefit unit).
IES: A unique 9-digit number for each case.
case record
The official record of information for a benefit unit. It contains required forms, documents, and recordings which detail the benefit history for the case. It includes computer records.
cash benefits
Monetary benefits, usually issued through EBT system, to help an eligible unit pay for basic needs (e.g. shelter, food, clothing).
cash surrender value
The net amount of cash that a life insurance policy is worth, after deduction of loans and/or liens against it.
category code
A 2-digit number that identifies the major type of assistance a case receives in the legacy system.
Category of Service (COS)
Refers to the type of medical intervention a patient receives while enrolled in the Medicaid program.
CDB is the abbreviation for the "client database." The CDB is the legacy computer system that contains information about applicants and customers. It includes a history of benefits and the current benefit status.
Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight (CCIIO)
The federal agency that provides national leadership in setting and enforcing standards for health insurance. Also, the entity that administers the Federally Facilitated Marketplace.
After eligibility runs and results are reviewed in IES, the worker approves or denies/cancels the case.
Certified Group (CG)
One or more individuals who are eligible (Participation Status = Eligible Child or Eligible Adult) for a particular type of assistance (e.g. SNAP) and who share the same Eligibility Determination Group (EDG).
charge upon a claim
DHS has the right to repayment when a customer gets money for an injury. This is called charge upon a claim.
Child Presumptive Eligibility
Child Presumptive Eligibility is established per PM/WAG 02-05-04 automatically by IES when gross family income is under 200% FPL and other requirements are met. Full medical benefits are provided to the children during the PE period while final eligibility is being determined.
circuit breaker
A property tax relief benefit for qualifying persons. The program is administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
CIS is an abbreviation for the "client information system." CIS is a broad term used to refer to the computer system that contains information about program benefits and individual cases.
A claim is an obligation amount filed against the estate of a deceased person to recover the cost of benefits they received.
A claim also refers to a reported obligation amount that reflects overpayment of benefits to a case.
A person who receives cash, medical, social services, and/or SNAP benefits under a program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS).
Health insurance that may be purchased for a maximum period of 18 months from a former employer.
The amount of payment that is above the rate that Medicare (or other insurance) pays for medical services. Payment of this amount is considered the responsibility of the patient.
common-law marriage
A marriage existing by mutual consent of a man and woman. Common-law marriages are not established in Illinois, but such marriages recognized by and consummated in another state are recognized in Illinois. Children of these marriages are considered legitimate.
community MANG
An AABD MANG customer who does not reside in a long term care facility or supportive living facility.
community spouse
The spouse of a supportive living facility (SLF) resident, long term care (LTC) facility resident, or MANG customer who is applying for or receiving in-home care services through the Department on Aging (DoA services). The community spouse cannot live in an SLF or LTC facility. However, the community spouse may be applying for or receiving DoA services, as long as they do not also receive regular or spenddown medical assistance (excludes QMB only, SLIB only, and QI-1 only benefits). For persons applying for or receiving DoA services, the community spouse may be living with or apart from the customer.
Computer Based Tutorial (CBT)
A training tool in which participants view information on their computers without a live instructor (e.g., Ethics Training).
The extension of child support enforcement services to a customer after the cash or medical benefits are canceled.
contract for deed
A contract to purchase an interest in real property. Under the terms of the contract the property title passes to the purchaser only after certain conditions are met, usually after payment of part or all of the purchase price.
conversion policy
A health insurance policy which was once part of an employment plan, but which a former employee has converted to personal payment of premiums.
A required amount of payment for services that the customer must make. Copayments apply to medical and child care services. Different copayment amounts may be set for each medical procedure and patient type. Child care copayments are based on gross annual income, number in the home, and number needing child care.
corresponding months
Corresponding months are the related budget and payment months for budgeting purposes.
court order
An order issued by a court, also known as a judicial order. For child support, the order sets up, modifies, or enforces child support payments.
Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSR)
Limits maximum out-of-pocket costs and for some people will reduce other cost sharing amounts (i.e., deductibles, coinsurance or copayments). This is a subsidy for people buying insurance in the Marketplace.
The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) program is established by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. The program is directed towards locating noncustodial parents and alleged fathers, establishing paternity, obtaining child support and medical support orders, and enforcing support orders. CSE services are automatically available for families receiving TANF, foster care, and AABD Medicaid. CSE services are available to other families who apply and meet certain criteria. Current support payments collected for TANF and foster care families are used to offset benefit costs for the TANF and foster care programs. Current support payments collected for other families are sent to the family.
current support
The ongoing amount required to be paid under a support order by a noncustodial parent. It does not include any amount to reimburse past benefit payments or payment of arrearages.
custodial parent
The parent with whom a child lives.
cut-off date
The last date to enter information in the DHS computer system, in order to affect benefits for a specific fiscal month.