PM 01-07-10-a
Any exhibits or documents presented at the appeal hearing must be uploaded in IES through EDM-Upload Documents/Create EDM Task page by choosing Documents Category - Appeal Exhibit. In order to submit exhibits or documents after the hearing has ended, a request must be made to and granted by the Hearing Officer. The documents must be uploaded within the timeframe allowed by the Hearing Officer; failure to do so will result in the documents/exhibits not being included in the record and not being considered in the Final Administrative Decision.
Please remind clients that they are also able to upload documents and exhibits to their appeal file by accessing the ABE Appeals Portal ( Please note that not all clients have access to the ABE Appeals Portal, and any documents or exhibits that clients present at hearing are to be uploaded to IES along with the Department exhibits or documents.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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