WAG 28-02-03-a: Premail Actions on Checks

A premail action is a request to affect assistance issuances after the cut-off date but before the scheduled mail date. This is usually done only for checks issued as a result of the pre-note process for direct deposit cases.

  1. (FCRC) Complete Premail Action Request (Form 1253) and route to LWU.
  2. (LWU) Use the information on Form 1253 to prepare the following forms.

Premail Action Request - Check Mailing (Form 119)

  1. (LWU) Upon receipt of Form 1253, complete Form 119, in triplicate, for the scheduled mail date based on the instructions on the back of the form.
    1. Submit separate Forms 119 for each category and each group (if applicable) within the category for which an action is being requested.
    2. Submit void actions on a separate Form 119 based on the mail date schedule.

Disposition Action/Mailing Request (Form 305)

  1. (LWU) Upon receipt of Form 1253 requesting redirect of a check and any related cards to a different address, prepare and submit Form 305 based on the instructions on the back of the form.
  2. (LWU) Submit Forms 305 for premail actions to WCU no later than 3 workdays before the check mail date.
    1. Fax requests for premail actions that cannot be mailed in time to WCU by 9:30 a.m. of the 2nd workday before the mail date.