WAG 28-02-01-b: Replacement Criteria

IM and Supportive Service Checks

If there is no previous history of fraudulent requests identified on Form 1398:

  1. (LWU) Process replacement checks within 14 days of the date the Form 98 was signed.
    1. For reports of multiple losses, replace the earliest dated check first. Hold replacement of the later dated check pending a status reply from WCU.

If there is a previous history of fraud:

  1. (LWU) Process the Form 552 replacement action if the missing check hasn't been cashed when the stop payment is placed.
    1. If the missing check was cashed, and the Forensic Document Examiner (Examiner) indicates the signature on the missing check is a forgery, process the Form 552 replacement action by the 30th day from the date the client signed Forms 98.
  2. (LWU) Keep a copy of the Form 552 and send a copy to the caseworker for filing in the case record.
    1. File the first copy of the Form 552 and the terminal message sheet (if applicable) in LWU files for auditing purposes.
  3. (LWU) Tell the CW of the replacement action. Show "Replacement Issued (Date) " on LWU's copy of Form 98.

Child Support Pass Through Checks

Replacements of lost or stolen Child Support Pass Through checks are made by the HFS WCU when:

  • a stop payment has been processed before the check reaches the Comptroller for payment; or
  • the stop payment was placed too late to prevent the check from being cashed but a handwriting analysis proves the endorsement is a forgery.

Title IV-D Child Support Enforcement Checks

Replacements of lost or stolen IV-D Child Support checks are made by HFS WCU when:

  • a stop payment has been processed before the affected check is paid; or
  • the stop payment was placed too late to prevent the check from being cashed but a handwriting analysis proves the endorsement is a forgery; and
  • the Treasurer recoups the amount of the original check from the 2nd party endorser.