WAG 28-02-01-a: Stop Payment Action

IM and Supportive Service Checks

  1. (FCRC) Sends the following to LWU:
    • 4 signed Stop Payment and Recovery Agreement (Form 98); and
    • completed Form 552.

      NOTE: Forms 98 must be signed no later than 60 days from the date the check was issued. Three postal workdays must have elapsed before a stop payment is processed. 

  2. (LWU) Verify the check number and mail date.
  3. (LWU) Review LWU files for any void actions done by the Comptroller or the FCRC.

    NOTE: Do not process a stop payment on a voided check.

  4. (LWU) Complete Recipient History Card (Form 1398).
  5. (LWU) Send 3 completed Forms 98 to WCU at the end of each workday.

NOTE: Never send copies of the completed forms to WCU. Original signatures are required on all forms. A copy of the signed form may be made for control purposes.

Transferred Cases

  1. (FCRC) Routes 3 Forms 98 and the Form 552 to LWU.

    NOTE: Show the new office as the submitting office on the Forms 98. Be sure to show the current Family Community Resource Center. Show the old case I.D. number on the Form 552. Put the new case I.D. number and name in the "remarks" section. 

  2. (LWU) For transferred cases that have been changed to the new LO's payroll, send the completed Form 552 to the Exception Processing Unit (EPU) in Springfield.

Child Support Pass Through Checks

10 postal workdays must have passed before a stop payment is processed.

  1. (FRC) Sends the following to LWU:
    • 4 Forms 98,
    • 8 signed Forms 1403, and
    • completed Form 552.
  2. (LWU) Verify the check number and the mail date.
  3. (LWU) Review LWU files for any void actions done by the Comptroller or the FCRC.

    NOTE: Do not process a stop payment action on a voided check. 

  4. (LWU) Complete Form 1398.
  5. (LWU) Send the following to HFS WCU at the end of each workday:
    • 4 signed Forms 98,
    • 8 Forms 1403, and
    • Form 552.

NOTE: Original signatures are required on all forms. A copy of the signed forms and the Form 552 may be made for control purposes.

Title V-D Child Support Enforcement Checks

10 postal workdays must have passed before a stop payment is processed.

  1. (FRC) Sends the following to LWU:
    • 4 signed Forms 98, and
    • 8 signed Forms 1403.
  2. (LWU) Verify the check number and mail date.
  3. (LWU) Review LWU files for any void actions done by the Comptroller or the FCRC.
  4. (LWU) Complete Form 1398.
  5. (LWU) Initiate stop payment action by sending the following to HFS WCU:
    • 4 signed Forms 98, and
    • 8 signed Forms 1403.

      Original signatures are required on these forms.

      NOTE: Stop payments actions on Title IV-D Child Support Enforcement checks cannot be faxed to HFS WCU. 

  6. (LWU) Keep a copy of the Form 98 for control purposes.