WAG 28-01-02-c: Packing the Transfer Box

  1. (FCRC) Pack case records in the order they appear on the purge list.
    1. Lien Material: Remove all lien material from the case record before sending the record to storage. Keep materials relating to the filing of the lien(s) in the Family Community Resource Center.
    2. Pack case records with the same disposal date (month/year).
    3. Pack records by calendar month and year.

      NOTE: Use standard purge procedures for case records maintained in the Numbered Expandable Removable File (NERF) system. NERF pocket files and NERF section dividers are removed from the case records before they are packed in the boxes. Place the contents of the case record in a manila file folder. Keep pocket files and section dividers for reuse. 

  2. (FCRC) Attach the transfer box label.
    • Type the labels, when possible.
    • Attach the labels to one end of the box under the handle hole.
  3. (FCRC) Mark boxes that contain case records with overpayment balances with an "OP" using bold marker in large letters above the transfer box label.
  4. (FCRC) Make sure the material in the box and the description on the label are the same.
  5. (FCRC) Complete the Records Transfer Sheet (Form 4199). Attach list of cases being purged to Form 4199. Attach either: 
    • FCRC Closed/Denied Case Record Storage Box Contents (Form 1640); or
    • MIS Report 3BPAL011 'Canceled Cases to be Purged - Outstanding Overpayment Balance; and/or MIS Report 3BPAL021 'Canceled Cases to be Purged - No Outstanding Overpayment Balance; and
    • if appropriate, Storage of Case Records Not on Purge List (Form 1645).
  6. revised text(FCRC) Fax or mail a copy of completed Form 4199 with attached list of cases being purged to: Downstate: Supervisor of Records Administration, 5010 Industrial Drive, Springfield, Fax: 217-786-0052; Cook County: Supervisor of Chicago Warehouse Facilities, 5150 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Fax: 773-854-5173. 
  7. revised text(Records Management) Assigns and enters box numbers on Form 4199.
  8. revised text(Records Management) Returns a copy of each Form 4199 to the FCRC.
  9. (FCRC) Write the complete county and box number in bold on each transfer box above the label on the lid/lip.
  10. (FCRC) Keep a record of material sent to storage for 3 years.