WAG 26-03-04: HFS 2404C, Change of Overpayment Information

Use HFS 2404C, Change of Overpayment Information, to:

  • change the amount of the overpayment;
  • report an additional overpayment; or
  • change the period of the overpayment. This can also be an extension of the period of overpayment for a related or unrelated reason.

The caseworker completes the HFS 2404C and HFS 2404X. The FRC reviews the completed HFS 2404C. The FRC sends the HFS 2404C to the Bureau of Collections (BOC).

BOC returns HFS 2404C to the FRC if:

  • the case ID information is incomplete;
  • the explanation of the change to Code 743 or 744 is not adequate; or
  • a difference is found in the calculations between the HFS 2404C and HFS 2404X.