WAG 24-05-02-a: Redirected Support

PM 24-05-02-a

  1. (System) Identifies redirected child support payments on the Recipient Ledger File (PF6) with TA 93 and Child Support Reason Code 601.
  2. (System) Produces Notice of Child Support for a Zero Grant or Suspended Case (Form 3112) to notify the FCRC of redirected child support payments sent to the family. In addition, the FRC receives a control listing from new manual materialDCSS to monitor the budgeting of this income.

Exempt Redirected Child Support Payments

  1. New manual material(DCSS) Redirects to the family current child support payments received by new manual materialDCSS for a period of time that the family did not receive TANF Cash.
    03-01 03-31 03-20-YY $100 new manual material03-22-YY 03-YY

    TANF Cash case is canceled effective 03-01-YY. The client reapplies and is approved effective 04-01-YY. The redirected amount of $100 is not budgeted for the corresponding payment month as this payment is for a period of time the family was not receiving TANF Cash.

  2. (KIDS) Allows current child support received by HFS to be redirected to the family when Item 34 of Form 552 contains Zero Grant Reason 8.

Budgeting Redirected Child Support Payments

  1. new manual material(DCSS) Redirects to the client current child support received by HFS after a case action to cancel, suspend, or place a case in zero grant.
  2. new manual material(DCSS) Sends Notice of Child Support for a Zero Grant or Suspended Case (Form 3112) to report that a redirected child support payment has been issued to the client when the TANF Cash case is in zero grant or suspended status. (FCRC does not receive a notice of redirected child support for a canceled case.)
  3. (FCRC) Determine if redirected child support has been sent to the family before taking action to:
    • restore assistance;
    • resume a case; or
    • remove a case from zero grant status.
  4. (FCRC) When Form 3112 is received before removing a case from zero grant, resuming a suspended case, or restoring assistance to a canceled case:
    • view CIS PF6/F6 Warrant Ledger screen to determine:
      • if a pass through payment has been received for the effective month; or
      • if other redirected child support payments have been issued for the effective month;
    • determine the amount of redirected child support to be budgeted as follows:
      • New Manual Materialtake the redirected child support issued for the effective month as shown on PF6 and disregard up to $100 for one child, or up to $200 for two or more children;
    • determine ongoing eligibility prospectively using all income available for the effective month;
    • discontinue benefits if the case is ineligible due to ongoing child support payments required by a support order; or
    • deduct the amount of redirected child support from the amount that is to be issued for the same effective month's check; or
    • authorize the adjusted amount of the check:
      • Correction of Underpayment (CUP) when removing a case from zero grant; or
      • IPE for resuming a suspended case or restoring assistance on a canceled case.
  5. (FCRC) When Form 3112 is received after the case action for removal of a case from zero grant status, resumption of a suspended case, or restoring of a canceled case, take the following actions for a regular issuance:
    • view CIS PF6 Warrant Ledger screen to determine:
      • if a pass through payment has been received for the effective month;
      • if other redirected child support payments have been issued for the effective month;
    • determine the amount of redirected child support to be budgeted as follows:
      • allow the pass through disregard from the amount shown new manual materialon PF6;
      • or any other redirected child support issued for the effective month as shown on PF6;
    • determine continued eligibility using all income available for the effective month;
    • discontinue benefits if the case is ineligible due to ongoing child support payments required by a support order; or
    • enter the following in Item 90 on Form 552:
      • code 535, Other Cash Income;
      • the total amount of the redirected child support minus the pass through;
    • authorize the benefits for the corresponding payment month.

      Do not compute the regular month benefits. Central budgeting computes the regular month benefits. 

  6. (FCRC) Budget centrally reissued redirected child support as shown when Form 3112 is received after removal of a case from zero grant status or resumption of a suspended case.
  7. (FCRC) Establish a control to delete code 535 and the amount of redirected child support from Item 90 of Form 552 prior to next fiscal months terminal entry date.
  8. (FCRC) If the family receives a redirect payment for an effective month in which TANF Cash is/was not approved, do not budget the redirect payment when determining eligibility or benefit amount.
  9. (FCRC) If, for the same effective month as TANF Cash payment, the family receives a redirect payment that has not been budgeted when determining benefit amount:
    • at intake/SWAP;
    • when removing zero grant status;
    • when resuming a suspended case; or
    • when restoring assistance on a canceled case.

Previously Received Support

  1. (FCRC) Process for overpayment the amount of redirected child support received in a calendar month and not budgeted in the corresponding fiscal month (see PM 23-03-02-c). Allow the pass through disregard in determining the amount of overpayment as shown on PF6, Warrant Ledger screen.
  2. (FRC) Receives a monthly control listing for Form 3112 to monitor the budgeting of this income. The mail date of the redirected payment is 4 workdays later than the redirect date.
  3. (FCRC) When processing a resumption, an action to restore assistance, or removal of a zero grant reason, compute the prorated period of unmet need and the prorated check amount deducting redirected child support payments (less pass through disregard) that were sent to the client.
Example 1: Redirected Child Support
03-01-YY new manual material03-02-YY $300 new manual material03-04-YY 03-YY

New Manual MaterialExample: Ms. Y receives TANF cash for herself and her child. The payment level is $318.00 per month.

She is placed in zero grant effective 03/2016 for failure to provide information needed for her TANF case. On new manual material03/02/16, the Division of Child Support Services receives child support in the amount of $300.00. They redirect it to the client on new manual material03/04/16 and provide the FCRC with Form IL444-3112 Notice of Child Support for a Zero Grant or Suspended Case. $300.00 was redirected for 03/2016. Ms. Y cooperates with her TANF requirement on 03/01/16. The redirected child support (less the pass through) is budgeted for TANF. (see calculation below)

$300.00 redirected support

-$100.00 pass through given

$200.00  is then compared to the Payment level of $318.00 ($318.00-$200.00= $118.00). The Grant received will be $118.00.

Example 2: Redirected Child Support
02-01 02-15-YY $300 new manual material02-17-YY 02-YY

New manual material Example: Ms. Z receives TANF cash for herself and 3 children. The payment level is $474.00 per month.

She is placed in zero grant for February, for failure to provide information needed on her TANF case. Case is removed from zero grant status on 02-12-YY, effective regular roll for 03-YY and a TANF Cash benefits is issued for $474.00 for February. The FCRC receives Form 3112 after the date the action was taken to remove the case from zero grant status and allows $200.00 pass through disregard from the $300.00 redirected check amount which was issued after the February TANF benefit, and retrospectively budgets the remaining $100.00 for the 05-YY payment month.

Voided Benefits

  1. (FCRC) Notify the FRC when benefits are voided and there is no intention of rewriting (e.g., the client requests immediate cancellation after the terminal entry cut-off date has passed).
  2. (FRC) Notifies the Bureau of Fiscal Operations IV-D Accounting Unit on a daily basis by an inter-office memorandum RE: Agee: Voided Warrant, the case name, ID, address, name(s) of child(ren), and the effective date of void, listing all void actions taken that day with no intention of rewriting.

    Submits memorandum in a Green Return, P.O. 909, envelope (Form 833). In the lower left-hand corner of the envelope writes: 

    Agee: PAERF
    Voided Warrant

Void of Redirected Child Support Payments

When a redirected child support payment was:

  • returned as undeliverable;
  • reported as lost or stolen; or
  • subsequently voided and central office reissues according to normal void/reissue procedures

the payment is identified on the Recipient Warrant Ledger File (PF6) as TA 55 and Reason Code 601.