WAG 24-04-05: Applying the Sanction (TANF Cash)

PM 24-04-05.

Code 165 remains active until the reason code is changed. The reason code may be changed by the worker or by the system. When the reason code is changed, code 165 remains on the case. Do not delete the code 165 unless you are repealing the sanction.

Change the reason code when the client cooperates, becomes unable to cooperate, or files an appeal on or before the date of change on the Notice of Change (Form 157NC). Change the reason code to 90 if the child(ren) is no longer on assistance and the client has cooperated for all the other children.

Do not change the reason code or delete the code 165 if you remove the noncooperating person. The system changes the reason code as follows.

Noncooperating Person Removed

  1. (FCRC) Remove the noncooperating person from the case if they leave the home. Remove the person if they are an optional adult and ask to be removed.
  2. (System) Changes the reason code to 91 if the worker removes the noncooperating person from the TANF case. (Reason Code 91 makes the code 165 inactive. Code 165 remains on the case to track the sanction level.)
  3. (System) Removes Item 90 code 512 and, if present, Item 34 code C. This restores the cash benefit for the same month the person is removed.

Noncooperating Person Added

If the person returns to the home or requests to be added back to the case within the first 3 months of the sanction period and has not cooperated:

  1. (FCRC) Add the person to the case using TA 34 with a 4-digit date.
  2. (FCRC) Reenter the code 165 exactly as it was first entered. Withhold the central notice.
  3. (FCRC) Send Form 157 telling the client of the new benefit amount, or termination of benefits, with the following reason message:

    The sanction which began in (month/year) has been reinstated since (person's name) has been added back to your assistance unit. PM 24-01 

  4. (System) Enters code 512 in Item 90 and, when necessary, code C in Item 34, to reduce the cash benefit for the effective month of the action.

If the person cooperates before they are added back or they are not added back until the 4th month or later:

  1. (FCRC)  Add the person to the case using TA 34 and a 6-digit date.
  2. (FCRC)Reenter the code 165 with the same date and level, but reason code 00 (if they cooperated) or 90 (if they didn't cooperate but it is past the 3rd month).
  3. (FCRC)If you enter 00 and it is still within the first 3 months of a 2nd or 3rd level sanction, send Form 157 telling the client of the new benefit amount, or termination of benefits, with the following reason message:

    The sanction which began in (month/year) has been reinstated since (person's name) has been added back to your assistance unit and the 3 month sanction period is not over. Your benefits will be restored for (4th month). PM 24-01 

  4. (System) 4. Enters code 512 in Item 90 and, when necessary, code C in Item 34, to reduce the cash benefit for the effective month of the action when the reason code is 01-06 or when it is 00 and within the first 3 months of a level 2 or 3 sanction.

Reapplication/Restoring Assistance Within 3 Months After Cancellation

(System) When the client reapplies within 3 months after cancellation, AIS will prompt you to take action on any sanction codes present. Sanction codes are shown on CAF screen 24D, SANCTIONS.

Displays the line number and person's name and RIN. Under **CURRENT**, all sanction codes appear (Code, Reason, Mo/Yr, Level) that were on the case at cancellation, if cancellation was in the last 3 months. These are protected fields. The same fields appear under **NEW**(Code, Reason, Mo/Yr, Level). The code number is filled in and protected. The other fields are blank.

(FCRC) You may reenter the code(s) as is, change the reason, or delete the code(s). You must reenter the fields under NEW, to retain the existing codes at approval, as shown under CURRENT. To delete a code, enter DL for Reason under NEW. To change the reason, reenter all fields under NEW, but with the new reason. If there are more than 3 codes you want to change or delete, you must do a separate action for the additional codes.

Reenter existing inactive sanction code(s) as they are, except as follows:

  • At cancellation, if a case has an active code 165 with a reason 01-06, the system changes the reason to 92. When restoring, you must replace reason 92 with the original reason or another appropriate reason or delete the entire code 165. If you reenter the original reason, this reactivates the sanction. If the client has cooperated or is unable to cooperate, reenter code 165 with reason 00 (cooperated) or 90 (unable to cooperate) instead of the original reason, so the code remains inactive. When appropriate to restore assistance without a 30-day wait, use TA 12/TAR 92 in IPACS (see PM 19-04-00 and WAG 19-04-00).
  • If the family reapplies after the first 3 months of the sanction period and more than one month after cancellation, delete the sanction codes in AIS by entering DL under Reason. The family gets a fresh chance to cooperate.

After the case has been canceled for 3 months (without a medical extension), all sanction codes are centrally deleted and will not appear in AIS if the family reapplies. Do not reenter the codes if they do not appear in AIS.