WAG 23-04-03: Changes in Overpayment Information

PM 23-04-03.

The total overpayment amount or the amount recouped to date may be changed when:

  • the overpayment amount or the overpayment period must be corrected,
  • an additional overpayment occurs for the same period,
  • an underpayment occurs,
  • additional consecutive months are added to an established claim,
  • the client uses assets to repay the overpayment,
  • an error in entering the overpayment was made,
  • a pre-hearing or appeal decision changes the overpayment,
  • a check is voided and either not rewritten or is rewritten in a lesser amount, and
  • a bankruptcy order has been entered which changes or eliminates an existing overpayment balance.

Also report the following changes:

  • in case number and category of aid,
  • in payee,
  • in payee that makes recoupment inappropriate for the case, and
  • when the 2nd responsible adult in an AFDC reported overpayment starts to receive aid.
  1. (FCRC) Use Form 2404C, Change of Overpayment Information, to report overpayment changes to BOC.

To change code 743, total overpayment amount, or 744, amount recouped to date:

For a TANF case:

  1. (FCRC) Send Form 2404C to Field Recovery Unit, BOC.
    1. Attach a copy of Form 2404X, Notice of Overpayment, to the Form 2404, Overpayment Referral, if the overpayment amount and/or period of the overpayment is being changed.

For an AABDtext deletedcase:

  1. (FCRC) Enter TA 31 in Item 3 and TAR 61 in Item 33 of Form 552 to change Code 743 or 744 in Item 91.
  2. (FCRC) Send Form 2404C to Field Recovery Unit, BOC.
    1. Include the following when an additional overpayment period is an extension of a previously established period: "This additional overpayment occurred while recoupment was in progress."
    2. Attach a copy of Form 2404X to the Form 2404C if the overpayment amount and/or period of overpayment is being changed.
  3. (BOC) Runs the client's name to ensure that the code(s) have been updated by the FCRC.
  4. (BOC) Updates ARS to reflect the correct amount.

     NOTE: Code 743 cannot be less than the amount entered as Code 744.