WAG 22-14-03-a: BENDEX

PM 22-14-03-a.

Persons are added to BENDEX when a valid SSN and/or Claim Number is entered on the CDB or is submitted to the SSA Programs Control Unit (SSA/PCU).

  1. (System) Identifies all BENDEX discrepancies for the SSA/PCU.
  2. (SSA/PCU) Resolves discrepancy.
    1. Asks the FCRC or client for information or action, as needed.

Cash and Food Stamps

When SSA income is centrally budgeted:

  1. (System) Uses one of the following codes in Item 90 on Form 552 to budget Social Security income reported on BENDEX:
    • 503 -Primary Survivor's Benefits
    • 504 -Secondary Benefits (spouse, parent or child - disability or retirement)
    • 510 -Primary Disability Benefits
    • 511 -Disabled Widow/Widower or Disabled Child

      NOTE: It is assumed that the client receives their Social Security check on the 3rd of the month. The amount reported on BENDEX is budgeted for the corresponding payment month. 

  2. (System) Revises all Item 90 codes indicating budgetable income.

    NOTE: The FCRC cannot change centrally entered codes. 

  3. (System) If the client is no longer eligible for cash but is still eligible for food stamps, places the case in zero grant status:
    • code 7 for TANF and RRA case, or
    • code 4 for AABD case.
  4. (System) Refigures food stamp benefits.
    1. Updates the amount in Item 80 for ITEM ABBREV. of TUI.
  5. (System) If benefits are reduced or canceled due to an increase in Social Security income, sends Form 157C to the client.
  6. (System) Generates "IM Change: Notices Issued Centrally, Intake Notices Issued Centrally" listing all clients sent Form 157C.
  7. (FCRC) Review the client's eligibility due to the change in the SSA benefit amount. Update the case record as needed.

    NOTE: Do not send SSA 1610 or refer the client to SSA. 

    1. If nonexempt income is sufficient to meet the client's needs after the SSA increase, decide Medical eligibility. SWAP the case if eligible for Medical. Cancel the zero grant case if not eligible for Medical. Establish a case if the client is still eligible for food stamps.

(CO) When BENDEX information does not match the client's information on the Client Database, enters one of the following codes to exclude the client from SSA central budgeting:

  • 1 -No valid SSN or CDB (includes situations when no SSN is reflected in CDB)
  • 2 -SSA Program Control is working on case
  • 3 -No usable BENDEX response received from SSA
  • 4 -Dual/Triple SSA benefit entitlement discrepancy, Department has not received enough information on all the client's claim numbers
  • 9 -Cash case centrally budgeted, but food stamp case is not centrally budgeted because of an exclusion code.

The exclusion code refers to the Social Security payment for the budget month.

For TANF, AABD, and FS cases, the exclusion of any person in the case does not cause the entire case to be excluded from central budgeting. When the information reported on BENDEX matches the information on the CDB for any person in the case, Social Security benefits are budgeted without regard to other persons in the case who do not have a complete record on BENDEX.

For GA cases, if one person in a case is excluded from central budgeting, the entire case is excluded. If more than one exclusion code applies, the lowest exclusion code number will appear on Form 552.

For a client who is excluded from central budgeting of SSA benefits:

  1. (FCRC) Budget the correct SSA benefit amount for the excluded person.
    1. Complete Item 90 on Form 552. If the claim number suffix begins with an A, J, T, or M, the benefits are for the primary wage earner. (Cash benefits are not provided under T and M suffixes.) All other alphas at the beginning of a suffix identify the Social Security client as receiving benefits on another person's account.

      If the Social Security claim number suffix starts with: 

      • A or J, use:
        • code 503 if age 65 or over or if age 62 through 64 and the date of latest disability onset is blank, or
        • code 510 if under age 65 or if age 62 through 64 and the date of latest disability onset is not blank.
      • W, use code 511.
      • C, if the client is over age 22 use code 511.
      • all others, use code 504.
  2. (FCRC) Correct the case information, if appropriate.
    1. Use Discrepancy Referral (Form 1925) to refer the problem to the SSA/PC Unit if unable to correct the case information. Include all appropriate documents. Do not send SSA 1610 to the local SSA Office for a BENDEX problem.
  3. (SSA/PCU) Verifies the correct information.
    1. Makes needed corrections or sends a memo to the FCRC telling them of actions needed.

SSA Amount Differs from Amount Centrally Budgeted

If a client reports they are receiving SSA that is not centrally budgeted (no Income Code in Item 90), or they are receiving an amount that differs from the amount that is centrally budgeted, and there is no SSA exclusion code:

  1. Check both BENDEX and SOLQ information.
  2. If SOLQ confirms the client's statement, use the verified SSI amount to determine the client's cash and food stamp benefit amounts. Issue a correction of underpayment, if appropriate.
    1. If SOLQ does not confirm the client's statement, request proof from the client.
  3. If BENDEX indicates no benefit, or the incorrect benefit amount for continuing months, complete Form 1925 and forward to SSA/PCU.
  4. Attach the SOLQ information or other documentation provided by the client to Form 1925.
  5. SSA/PCU excludes the client from central budgeting for the SSA income.
  6. Correct the amount in the SSA Income Code in Item 90 on Form 552 to budget the amount actually being received by the client.
  7. When the benefit amount shown on BENDEX agrees with the amount the client is actually receiving, notify SSA/PCU so the exclusion code can be removed and the SSA income can again be centrally budgeted.


  1. The system sends a Data Exchange Summary List if the amount reported on BENDEX differs from the amount budgeted on Form 552 by more than $4.99. The List has the following:
    • case name,
    • case ID number,
    • total SSA benefits reported by the Department for the case, and
    • total SSA benefits reported by SSA for the case.
  2. Review the Social Security benefit amounts shown on the list.
  3. Complete an SOLQ Inquiry to confirm the client's current benefit amount.
  4. If the amounts differ:
    • Update Item 90 of Form 552 with the amount shown on SOLQ. Send client the appropriate notice.


    • Complete Form 1925 if information provided by the client or already in the case record shows the SOLQ information is wrong. Attach copies of the evidence to Form 1925 and forward to the SSA/PCU. Do not change the SSA benefits budgeted on Form 552.
  5. Use Form 1925 to refer the problem to the SSA/PCU if unable to correct the case information. Include all appropriate documents. Do not send SSA 1610 to the local SSA Office for a BENDEX problem.
  6. SSA/PCU verifies the correct information and makes needed corrections, or sends a memo to the FCRC telling them of actions needed.

BENDEX Death Information

When the Family Community Resource Center becomes aware of a case that was centrally canceled in error with a TAR 00 (for AABD, TANF, or FS) or TAR 20 (for CGA), take the following action:

  1. Restore assistance.
  2. Check BENDEX information. If the Payment Status Code shows T1 or X1, complete SSA Discrepancy Referral (Form 1925) and forward to the SSA Programs Control Unit. Document the discrepancy.
  3. Contact the client to determine the status of the client's Social Security benefits.

Long Term Care Cases

For cases centrally canceled, process the following changes through the HFS Bureau of Long Term Care (BLTC):

  1. If the actual date of death is other than the last day of the month, complete Long Term Care Update Authorization Document (Form 2449) to correct the discharge date with the actual date of death. Also, enter the discharge destination code D1. Send Form 2449 to the BLTC for correction.
  2. If the actual date of death is the last day of the month, complete Form 2449 to correct the discharge destination code to code D1. Send Form 2449 to the BLTC for correction.