(System) Sends the Illinois Voter Registration Application, SBE R-19 with the following forms that are centrally mailed:
- Form 643, Your Family's Medical Eligibility Renewal Form
- Form 643C, AABD Medical Eligibility Review
- Form 643GC, AABD Redetermination Report Form
- Form HFS 643E-1, Your Family's Medical Eligibility (Passive REDE)
- Form 1229A, Long Term Care
- Form 2027AC, Redetermination report Form (GA-TA)
- Form DPA 3360B, Renewal Form (Following Medical Extension)
- Form 4002C, TANF/GA-FCA Eligibility Information
- Form 4764, Redetermination Application
- Form 4765, Redetermination Application
- Form 4893, Important Notice - Your Food Stamps are Ending
(FCRC Staff) When sending an application or redetermination form by mail, the SBE R-19 is already included as a tear off application form.
When the customer returns the SBE R-19, take the following actions:
Note: The R-19 should not be held until the case is processed, but submitted to the office liaison when received.
(Intake or Service Coordination) Forward the SBE R-19 to the Office Liaison. See WAG 22-12-01 for duties of the Office Liaison.
The customer response on Form SBE R-24 is electronically tracked through AIS, ACM and IPACS submittals.
Answer the voter registration question X=Not Applicable because the client is not present and Form SBE R-24 is not completed.
Note: The question is prompted for REDEs processed by a DHS local office.
The process described below may vary based on local office practices. Because the voter registration questions are not on the Form 552, they are included on Form 2943 or Form 552B - this is usually for use in offices with a data entry clerk. If a caseworker has access to IPACS and is processing the action these forms may not be required.
- For TANF/SNAP, enter an X=Not Applicable on the voter registration question on Form 2943, TANF Information /Food Stamp Central Notice. Attach Form 2943 to Form 552 and forward to the data input operator for submittal.
- For MANG/SNAP, enter an X=Not Applicable on the voter registration question on Form 552 Supplemental, Form 552B. Attach Form 552B to Form 552 and forward to the data input operator for submittal.