PM 22-08-13.
SDX and SOLQ share comparable fields (see WAG 25-04-04). SOLQ information is online and is more detailed than SDX information. However, the monthly SDX information is used for central budgeting.
When the SDX information agrees with the client's statement, no further proof is necessary. When the SSI amount centrally budgeted differs from the amount claimed by the client, complete an SOLQ inquiry. If SOLQ information confirms the client's statement, send a Discrepancy Referral (Form 1925) and a copy of the SOLQ inquiry to the SSA Programs Control Unit (SSA/PCU).
If SOLQ does not confirm the client's statement, obtain other proof of the SSI amount received. Send Form 1925 with the other proof to SSA/PCU.
The codes used in Illinois are as follows:
The following codes may appear but are not used in Illinois:
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