WAG 22-04-01-a: Voluntary Return of SNAP Benefits to Prevent a Claim

PM 22-04-01-a

NOTE: Do not complete Overpayment Referral (Form 2404).

Illinois Link SNAP Benefits Returned

  1. revised manual textFCRC/Client) Complete the top section of Return of Illinois Link SNAP and/or Cash Benefits (Form 3660). Specify on the form the amount and the reason for the return of SNAP benefits.
  2. revised manual text(Client) Signs and dates Form 3660.
  3. revised manual text(FCRC) Fax Form 3660 to the EBT Unit at (217) 524-3124 or email to DHS.LINK@illinois.gov the same day it is received.
  4. revised manual text(FCRC) Make a copy of the form.
    1. Give the copy to the client.
    2. Upload the original to the client's electronic case file in IES.