WAG 22-02-04: Replacing Lost or Stolen Redirected Child Care Payments

PM 22-02-04.

  1. (Client) Reports unendorsed redirected child care payment lost, stolen, or not received.

    NOTE: Action cannot be taken until 3 postal workdays after the benefit's mailing date. 

  2. (FCRC) Complete blank Form 552:
    • Item 1 -Complete.
    • Item 2 -Enter the effective date (MMYY) of the original check.
    • Item 3 -Enter 55.
    • Item 4 -Enter 2.
    • Items 5 - 7 -Complete.
    • Item 8 -Enter the child care provider's name.
    • Item 9 -Enter the child care provider's street address. Leave blank if the provider's and the client's address are the same.
    • Item 10 -Enter the city, state, and zip code of the provider. Leave blank if the provider's and the client's address are the same.
    • Item 33 -Enter:
      • 12 -provider's address different from client's, or
      • 15 -provider's and client's address are the same.
  3. (FCRC) Complete 4 copies of Form 98.
    1. Have client sign 4 copies of Form 98.
  4. (FCRC) Send Form 552 and all 4 signed copies of Form 98 to LWU.
  5. (LWU) Processes replacement transaction.
  6. (System) Sends a replacement check in the client's name to the provider.