WAG 22-02-01-c.
A person or business that cashes a check made out to someone else is called a 2nd endorser. When a stop payment is placed on a check after a client signs a stop payment request, the 2nd endorser does not receive reimbursement from the State for the
check. A 2nd endorser may contact the Family Community Resource Center about a check that has a stop payment on it.
a. Reimbursement Criteria
The 2nd endorser may be eligible for reimbursement from the State after the stop payment was placed on the check if:
- the client admits cashing the check, or
- the Forensic Document Examiner determines that the endorsement signature is genuine, and
- the 2nd endorser gives the original check to Family Community Resource Center.
b. Reimbursement of the Check
Reimbursement to the 2nd endorser is authorized when the client admits cashing the check.
If the client denies cashing the check, but the Forensic Document Examiner's examination determines the endorsement signature is genuine, reimbursement is authorized.
If the client denies cashing the check and the Forensic Document Examiner's examination determines the endorsement signature is not genuine, no reimbursement is authorized.
c. Forgery Investigation
If the client denies cashing the check, refer the case to the Forensic Document Examiner for an examination of the endorsement signature in question.
If the endorsement signature is determined to be genuine, the check is a nonforgery. If it is determined not to be genuine, the check is considered a forgery.
If the client fails to appear for the interview to review the endorsement signature on the check, assume the client cashed the check and start recovery action.