WAG 22-01-01-o: Voids

PM 22-01-01-o.

new textVoiding Illinois Link Issuance

To void an Illinois Link issuance:

  1. (FCRC) Complete 2 copies of Premail Action Request (Form 1253).
  2. (FCRC) Route the form to the revised textLocal Office Administrator or their designee. Do not send the form to the EBT Unit or Exception Processing.
  3. (FCRC) Void the benefit issuance through revised textEPPIC (only a voidable issuance will display the void button in EPPIC).
  4. (FCRC) Return one copy of Form 1253 to the requester.
  5. (EPPIC) revised textThe Illinois Link contractor will process the transaction and void the issuance immediately upon completion..
  6. (EPPIC) revised textThe Illinois Link contractor will notify our system through the nightly batch update that the issuance was voided before the benefit availability date.
  7. (System) Updates the Reconciliation Data Base to show the voided issuance.
  8. (System) Posts a record of the void to the Recipient Ledger the next dayrevised text(2 work days after the void action was taken).

revised text Replacing Voided Link SNAP Benefits

To replace SNAP benefits that were voided by the Family Community Resource Center, complete a blank Form 552 as follows:

  • Item 1 - Complete.
  • Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year.
  • Item 3 - Enter TA 56.
  • Item 4 - Enter 7.
  • Items 5, 6 - Complete.
  • Items 8-10 - Complete.
  • Item 23 - Enter.
  • Item 33 - Enter TAR 10.
  • Item 38 - Enter the amount of the replacement benefits.
  • Item 40 - Enter the serial number of the voided issuance.

new textReplacing Voided Link Cash Benefits

To replace Cash benefits that were voided by the Family Community Resource Center, complete a blank Form 552 as follows:

  • Item 1 - Complete.
  • Item 2 - Enter the effective month and year.
  • Item 3 - Enter TA 31.
  • Item 4 - Enter 2.
  • Items 5, 6 - Complete.
  • Items 8-10 - Complete.
  • Item 80 - Enter Code 255 and the amount of the replacement benefits.