WAG 23-03-03-d: Case Being Transferred to Another Family Community Resource Center (SNAP)

PM 23-03-03-d

When a case with a pending overpayment verification(s) has moved to an address served by another FCRC:

  1. (Old FCRC) Process the overpayment before transferring the case:
    • Figure the overpayment amount using available information.
    • Process the overpayment through ACM.

      NOTE: Do not delay transferring the case to the new FCRC because of pending verifications 

  2. (Old FCRC) Complete an Inter-Office Memorandum (Form 139) to advise the new FCRC that an overpayment has been processed.
    1. Address Form 139 to the Financial Recovery Coordinator (FRC) and place on top of the transferred case record.
  3. (Old FCRC) Include any information about pending verifications or BOI referrals.
  4. (Old FCRC) Send information received from pending verifications or a response from BOI to the new FCRC with a cover Form 139 to the FRC in the new FCRC.
  5. (New FCRC) Review all transferred-in cases for existing recoupments or overpayment referrals.
    1. Complete an ARS clearance (PF/F10) (see IPACS II Manual) to check if there is a current overpayment.
  6. (CO) Changes overpayment information on ARS, if the new FCRC uses TA 40 to transfer the case onto its payroll.

When the transfer is done by canceling the old case and reopening a new case:

  1. (New FCRC) Use Form 2404C to report the change in case numbers to BOC.
  2. (FRC) Establishes a control when the case includes information about pending verifications.
  3. (New FCRC) Review information received from pending verifications or a response from BOI.
    1. Refigure the overpayment, if appropriate.
    2. Revise the overpayment, if needed.
    3. Send Form 2404C and Form 2404X to BOC to tell them of the changed amount.

NOTE: If pending verifications are received and the overpayment had not been previously reported, the new FCRC uses Form 2404 and Form 2404X to report the overpayment. Enter the old FCRC's number in Item 5, Responsibility Code, of Form 2404, and the former case ID number in Item 22.