WAG 21-06-07-g: Community Workfare

PM 21-06-07-g

Community Workfare

  1. FCRC or SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Reviews and discusses the Community Workfare component with each customer.
  2. FCRC:
    • Completes the assessment, Form IL444-5179, SNAP Employment and Training Referral Assessment (Referrals from FCRC to the Office of Workforce Development), with the volunteer's input. If Form IL444-5179 is not completed in its entirety, at a minimum, ensure that Page 1 is completed and the form is signed by both the volunteer and worker on Page 4 before sending to the Office of Workforce Development. Completing Page 1 is important because the information gathered is used to determine the appropriate SNAP E&T Provider and other services that the volunteer may need. The signature is important because it gives consent to send the referral. 
      • Note: If the volunteer is not in the office to complete the assessment, see WAG 21-0-02.
    • Emails the completed Form IL444-5179 to the Office of Workforce Development through the respective email address below. Indicates in the email if the volunteer has a specific Provider they would like to work with. Documents in Case Comments which member in the SNAP household volunteered and the completion of the referral.
    • Enters in the subject line of the email: SNAP E&T Referral and the case number. Do not put a customer's name in the email. 
  3. Office of Workforce Development:
    1. Enters the information received on Form IL444-5179 into ISETS within 2 workdays.
    2. Once the information has been entered into ISETS, determines if there is an appropriate SNAP E&T Provider for a customer referral. If there is a SNAP E&T Provider with slots available, processes the referral in ISETS.
    3. If a SNAP E&T Provider slot is not available, places the customer on a waiting list. Notifies the customer of their placement on the waiting list.
    4. If there are SNAP E&T services available but not a SNAP E&T Provider, then the Office of Workforce Development will serve as the Provider offering Case Management and supportive services. If SNAP E&T services or a SNAP E&T Provider are not available, the Office of Workforce Development will notify the customer and the FCRC.
  4. SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Uses ISETS to make and accept referrals, manage SNAP E&T participation and enter case notes, progress report information and issue supportive services.
  5. Office of Workforce Development or SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Completes customer's attendance and progress in ISETS.
  6. Office of Workforce Development or FCRC or SNAP E&T Provider:
    • Verifies the need for all supportive service expenses and their costs. This information must be furnished by the customer. To authorize supportive service payment for expenses, see WAG 21-06-11.
      • Note: The FCRC should only issue supportive services if they cannot be issued by the servicing SNAP E&T Provider (e.g., a bus pass to attend the initial meeting with the SNAP E&T Provider).

Determine Hours of Participation

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Work Requirement - Community Workfare Verification (Form IL444-3673) is used to verify participation in the Community Workfare component.
  • Determine the number of volunteer hours a person must perform in Community Workfare each month to meet the SNAP Work Requirement.
  • Divide the SNAP household's monthly SNAP benefit amount by the State or Federal Minimum wage (whichever is higher).
  • The work hours, to meet the Work Requirement, may be performed by one nonexempt member of the SNAP household or the nonexempt members may agree to share work hours as long as the required number of hours are worked.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Work Requirement - Community Workfare Verification (Form IL444-3673) is used to verify participation in the Community Workfare component.

Note: The SNAP benefit amount a household is determined to be eligible to receive is used to calculate the work obligation amount, regardless of benefits being reduced due to a recoupment. The household's hours of obligation for any given month may not be carried over into another month.

How to Calculate Work Hours for the SNAP Work Requirement

A SNAP household is defined as a household that purchases and prepares food together.

  • Updated Manual MaterialExample 1: One-member SNAP household receives $292 in SNAP benefits and does Community Workfare.

    Community Workfare obtained through an E&T Provider referral.

  • $292÷ $15.00 (State minimum wage) = 19 hours (round down).
  • Updated Manual MaterialExample 2: Three-member SNAP household receiving the maximum SNAP household allotment ($768) and does Community Workfare obtained through an E&T Provider referral.
    • $768 (allotment) ÷ 3 (HH members) = $256 each member (round down)
    • $256 (1 ABAWD) ÷ $15.00 ( State minimum wage) = 17 hours (round down).