PM 23-03-03: Figuring a SNAP Overpayment

WAG 23-03-03

The monthly SNAP overpayment amount is the difference between what the SNAP unit received and the correct benefit amount. Figure the total overpayment by adding the amounts from each month of the overpayment period. 

Use actual income and expenses from the correct budget and payment month to figure the monthly overpayment. Always use the fiscal month that was used to figure the original benefits.

When figuring the monthly overpayment amount, use:

  • the amount of estimated income that was budgeted on a case if that income was reported accurately and budgeted; and
  • the actual amount of any income that was not reported.

Figure the correct benefit amount for each month of the overpayment period. If a case has been both underpaid and overpaid over a period of time, file the overpayment and underpayment separately. The difference between the 2 amounts will be figured centrally.

new manual materialIf the income belongs to a new member, the unit must report if the income of all those who are in the unit exceeds the Gross Income limit for the unit size that the unit was originally notified.

For cases not in Mid-Point Reporting status, determine eligibility and the correct benefit amount for the first payment month the change would have been effective if it had been timely reported (within 10 calendar days of the date the first payment is received for income-related changes) and a timely notice could have been sent. Also, allow another 10 days for the time needed to send a timely notice.

Mid-Point Reporting Units

For units in Mid-Point Reporting, during the 12-month approval period, the unit is required to:

  • report when their income exceeds the unit's Gross Income Standard;
  • complete the interim Mid-Point Report (Form 2890) in the 6th month and report all changes related to the questions on the form;
  • comply with the New Hire requirements.

The change must be reported by the 10th day of the calendar month following the calendar month that income exceeded the Gross Income limit. The overpayment begins the first regular roll month after the month that the unit was required to report the change. For example, gross income exceeded the limit for 03/17; the overpayment would start effective 05/17.

For changes that should have been reported at REDE, determine eligibility and the correct benefit amount for the first payment month the change would have been effective if it had been reported at the REDE.