PM 23-03-02: Figuring a Cash Overpayment

WAG 23-03-02

The overpayment begins the first regular roll month that could have been affected had the customer reported the information within 10 calendar days. Figure the overpayment using prospective budgeting. For earned income situations, the first day of the 10 calendar day period begins the New Manual Materialday the customer receives their first pay.

New Manual MaterialNOTE: If the case is in Mid-Point Reporting, the customer is not required to report changes within 10 calendar days.

The monthly overpayment amount is the difference between the amount the customer(s) received each month and the correct cash benefit amount for the month. Add the difference between the correct cash payment and the payment received for each month of the overpayment period to arrive at the total overpayment.

Compute all overpayments prospectively, except for overpayments which occurred;

  • for a fiscal month prior to 01/02 and
  • the case was not in quarterly reporting at that time.

NOTE: If the case was not in quarterly reporting but should have been in quarterly reporting, determine the overpayment prospectively.

For an AABD overpayment that is caused by assets, the total overpayment cannot be more than the amount that assets exceeded the asset limit. For TANF overpayments prior to 08/01/13 that are casued by assets, the total overpayment cannot be more than the amount that assets exceeded the asset limit. Use the value of the assets as of the date of discovery.

Do not include supportive service payments when you figure overpayments. See PM 23-03-02-c for how to figure an overpayment that involves child support payments.