WAG 21-02-03.
Job Search/Job Readiness is a structured search for a job. It includes counseling, job seeking skills training, and information provided in a group or individual setting. Group job search includes exercises to help a person get and keep a job.
Activities may also include Job Seeking Skills Workshops, Life Skills Workshops, and Job Club meetings. Services may be provided by Department staff or other providers.
Job Search/Job Readiness activities may be combined with other activities, if appropriate.
Who may participate in the activity:
A client may participate in Job Search/Job Readiness when:
- The client is assessed as job-ready.
- The client is unemployed or employed less than the required number of hours.
A client may remain in Job Search/Job Readiness as the only activity for no more than 8 consecutive weeks in any rolling 12 month period. The length of participation depends on the client's progress, effort and available opportunities. After 8 weeks in a 12 month period, the client must participate in a different Core or additional activity.
What the activity requires:
If assigned to Job Readiness, the client must attend all scheduled classes, workshops, and sessions.
The client must be notified in writing of all scheduled sessions. Sessions include a discussion of progress and job seeking skills exercises.
If assigned to Job Search, the client must document how is time spent in the activity.
Contact types include:
- In person;
- Telephone;
- Online;
- Mail.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Job interview;
- Complete and mail resume;
- Check job listings and openings;
- Complete and submit job application;
- Take employment test;
- Register at DES/IETC;
- Report to union hall;
- Attend job fair.
Require clients to register with DES/IETC and to follow up on referrals. The client must show up for job referrals, accept suitable employment, and respond to requests from the Department or contractors.
See PM 03-13-01.