PM 21-02-03: Job Search/Job Readiness

WAG 21-02-03.

relocated textJob Search/Job Readiness is a structured search for a job. It includes counseling, job seeking skills training, and information provided in a group or individual setting. Group job search includes exercises to help a person get and keep a job.

Activities may also include Job Seeking Skills Workshops, Life Skills Workshops, and Job Club meetings. Services may be provided by Department staff or other providers.

Job Search/Job Readiness activities may be combined with other activities, if appropriate.

Who may participate in the activity: 

A client may participate in Job Search/Job Readiness when:

  1. The client is assessed as job-ready.
  2. The client is unemployed or employed less than the required number of hours.

revised textA client may remain in Job Search/Job Readiness as the only activity for no more than 8 consecutive weeks in any rolling 12 month period. The length of participation depends on the client's progress, effort and available opportunities. After 8 weeks in a 12 month period, the client must participate in a different Core or additional activity.

What the activity requires:

revised textIf assigned to Job Readiness, the client must attend all scheduled classes, workshops, and sessions.

The client must be notified in writing of all scheduled sessions. Sessions include a discussion of progress and job seeking skills exercises.

revised textIf assigned to Job Search, the client must document how is time spent in the activity.   

Contact types include:

  • In person;
  • Telephone;
  • Online;
  • Mail.

Activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Job interview;
  • Complete and mail resume;
  • Check job listings and openings;
  • Complete and submit job application;
  • Take employment test;
  • Register at DES/IETC;
  • Report to union hall;
  • Attend job fair.

Require clients to register with DES/IETC and to follow up on referrals. The client must show up for job referrals, accept suitable employment, and respond to requests from the Department or contractors. new textSee PM 03-13-01.