WAG 20-20-03: Payment

PM 20-20-03.

Psychiatric Services

  1. (Provider) Sends bills to Bureau of Claims Processing.

Psychological Services

  1. (Provider) Sends Family Community Resource Center HFS 912, Statement of Services or Supplies Provided, including list of tests done and time used for tests.
  2. (FCRC) Send bill to BCHS.
  3. (BCHS) Pays bill according to type of service.

When an exam is to decide if the client is disabled:

  1. (FCRC) Attach exam report and bill to HFS 183, Determination of Disability.
  2. (FCRC) Send bill, exam report, and HFS 183 to BCHS.
  3. (BCHS) Pays bill according to type of service.

Community Mental Health Services

  1. (DMHDD) Prepares bills.
  2. (DMHDD) Submits bills to HFS.