PM 20-19-00: Medical Equipment and Prosthetic Devices (TANF, AABD)

WAG 20-19-00.

HFS pays for prosthetic devices such as artificial limbs and braces, and medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, respiratory equipment, and hospital beds.

HFS pays for medical equipment when:

  • it is required for the client to live at home;
  • the client's physician has stated in writing that the device or equipment is medically necessary;
  • the client is not eligible to get such items from the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) or the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC).

NOTE: HFS normally will not pay for items used by a client in a nursing home, unless the item must be custom-made for the client.

text revisedFor TANF and AABD clients, HFS pays for prosthetic devices when the above criteria are met.

text deleted

HFS will not pay more to rent equipment than the purchase price of the equipment. The monthly rental cost is applied toward the purchase price. When the purchase price is reached, no further payment will be made. When equipment is only needed for a short time, it will be rented.

Equipment paid for by HFS belongs to the client. HFS pays for repairs if the repair does not cost more than replacing the item. HFS also pays for the cost of a loaner item while an item is being repaired or replaced.