PM 23-02-01-a: Mid-Point Reporting (TANF)

WAG 23-02-01-a

A TANF household in Mid-Point Reporting must report changes on the interim Mid-Point Report form and at REDE. For Mid-Point Reporting households there is no overpayment if the household fails to report a change that occurs between the Mid-Point Report and REDEs. 

Example: The Family Community Resource Center anticipates that a client would earn $400 a month from their job based on the earned income reported on the REDE form. During the 6-month period, the client receives a raise on that job and ends up earning $700 for the last 4 months of the 6-month period. No overpayment exists for any of the 6 months.

When a TANF client goes over gross for SNAP, an overpayment will be assessed for the same month as SNAP.

There may be an overpayment based on earned income if the client failed to report at Mid-Point Report or REDE:

  • earnings increased or were expected to increase,
  • a 2nd job has been obtained, or
  • a 2nd adult has become employed.

If the client failed to report all the information necessary when they reported their earned income (e.g., an additional job), an overpayment exists.

Example: If a client had a 2nd job and only reported the earnings from the first job, an overpayment based on the total amount of earnings that should have been budgeted is required.

If the Department incorrectly computes a budget, even though the client reported the correct income, an overpayment may occur.

Example: A client correctly reports on the Mid-Point Report or REDE that she will earn $800 a month. When figuring the budget, the worker incorrectly uses $300. An overpayment exists.

For households not in Mid-Point Reporting, there is not a cash overpayment for any earnings received prior to the first regular roll month that could have been affected if: earnings are reported or discovered within 10 calendar days of the first date employment begins; or earnings are reported or discovered prior to submittal cut-off for the fiscal month following receipt of the first pay check.

IES Process:

new manual material When a TANF EDG goes over gross for SNAP, an overpayment will be assessed for the same month as SNAP.