WAG 20-08-07-c: Transfers That Endanger Health (Long Term Care)

PM 20-08-07-c.

Evaluation of Move Requested

  1. (FCRC) Send 2 copies of HFS 2223, Physician's Certificate, to client's physician when review of move is requested.
  2. (Physician) Completes HFS 2223 and returns to Family Community Resource Center.
  3. (FCRC) Forward copy of completed HFS 2223 to BLTC.
  4. (FCRC) File original HFS 2223 in case record.
  5. (Client) 5. Stays in facility if physician certifies that move would be dangerous.
  6. (FCRC) 6. Has physician fill out new HFS 2223 at least:
    • every 90 days for SNF and ICF/MR (SNF/PED license) clients, or
    • every 6 months for ICF and ICF/MR clients.
  7. (FCRC) Send HFS 2222, Notice of Denial of Request for Continued Payment, to client when physician does not certify that move would be dangerous.
    1. Send copy of HFS 2222 to facility.

Evaluation of Move Not Requested

  1. (FCRC) Plan client's transfer to another facility if no one contacts Family Community Resource Center asking for review of decision to move client.