PM 20-08-07-c: Transfers That Endanger Health (Long Term Care)

WAG 20-08-07-c.

When moving a client from one LTC facility to another would endanger their life, continue to authorize payment for services in the current facility until the move would no longer endanger the client's life. The client's physician must certify the danger within 30 days and the Family Community Resource Center must obtain additional certifications from the physician at least:

  • every 90 days for SNF and ICF/MR (SNF/PED license); or
  • every 6 months for ICF and ICF/MR.

HFS may review the physician's certification of the danger of the move and request an evaluation from another physician.

If no physician certifies within 30 days that the move endangers the client's life, deny the request for continued payment in the current facility. The client or someone acting on the client's behalf may appeal the denial.

If the client wants HFS to continue paying for care, they must be moved to another facility by the later of 10 days from the denial of payment or 30 days from the date the client was notified of the need to move.