391 SPDGC |
Spenddown -- LTC or SLF cases. Enter under AMOUNT, the dollars and cents amount of the countable monthly income. If the spenddown is due to excess assets only, enter 0.00 under AMOUNT.
Enter under PERSONS, the spenddown status indicator code that applies:
1 - Spenddown met - split-bill
2 - Spenddown not met
3 - Spenddown met - carryover
Enter under SUP. BY one of the following indicator codes:
3 - Determination was made without diverting income.
4 - Determination was made by diverting income.
A 392 AST entry is required in Item 80.
When the FCRC enters a date in Item 77, the system automatically enters the month and year from Item 77 under TOTAL COST.
395 GCARE |
Non-Spenddown -- LTC or SLF credit. Enter under AMOUNT, the dollars and cents figure of the LTC or SLF credit obligation spenddown. Do not make entries under PERSONS or TOTAL COST.
Enter under SUP. BY one of the following indicator codes:
3 - Determination was made without diverting income.
4 - Determination was made by diverting income.
A 392 AST entry is also required in Item 80.
158 CI |
Countable Income Medical (Excluding QMB Only, SLIB Only, and QI-1 Only) - Use only when code 16, 17, 18, or 20 is entered in Item 20.
For all community Medical (Regular and Spenddown cases), enter under AMOUNT the amount of monthly countable income. If there is no countable income, enter 0.00. Enter under PERSONS the 2-digit number to report the number of persons included in the MANG Standard.
When code 20 is entered in Item 20, enter under SUP. BY one of the following indicator codes:
3 - Determination was made without diverting income.
4 - Determination was made by diverting income.
Entry of code 158 CI is required for approvals, REDEs, and when changes in Item 90 are processed (excluding changes in Item 90 codes 554, 636, 638, 640, 641, 643, 644, 648, 654, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 663, 670, 671, 672, and 700).