WAG 25-08-01-a: TANF/RRA Cash Approvals

Before approving, complete an ANQR inquiry for each person listed on the application. If there is a matching record, complete an ACID inquiry for each matched case number. If anyone is included or had been included in a Cash, MANG, or SNAP Only case in the past 2 years, get the RIN from the ACID inquiry and enter it in Item 60.

(EW) To approve a pending application in IPACS, complete the Form 552 used to register the application or complete a blank Form 552:

  • Item 1 - Enter the complete case ID number. If there is a double entry due to a transfer of the application before approval, erase the bottom entry (number assigned by the sending Family Community Resource Center).
  • Item 2 - Enter the 6-digit effective month, day, and year that identifies the first date that the unit is eligible for cash (first day of the period covered by the IPE). The IPE period begins with the 30th day after the date of application.
  • When no IPE is issued, enter the 4-digit month and year of the first regular roll action. The date must be the same as the current processing month.
    • NOTE: If the Family Community Resource Center authorizes cash benefits more than 30 days after the date of application, the system automatically authorizes benefits effective the 30th day after the date of application.
  • Item 3 - Enter TA 11 or TA 12.
  • Item 4 - Enter 1.
  • Items 5 & 6 - Complete.
  • Items 8-11 - Complete, if required.
  • Item 12 - Complete for RRA. For cases that include a Refugee(s) or Entrant(s) in the unit, enter the correct code for Nation of Origin (see WAG 27-12-00).
  • Items 13-16 - Complete, if required.
  • Item 17 - Complete for RRA. For cases that include a Refugee(s) or Entrant(s) in the unit, enter the correct code for the Voluntary Sponsoring Agency (see WAG 27-17-00).

    Items 18-23 - Enter the TAR for the reason for opening the case.

  • Item 28 - Complete if the case contains adults-only, or children-only.

    Item 33 - Enter the TAR for the reason for opening the case.

  • Item 39 - Enter code 90 (see WAG 17-02-00 for a complete Item 39 coding description).
    • NOTE: The Notice Decision on Application for Cash, Medical and/or Food Stamps (Form 360C), is mailed centrally only if the case is processed via AIS and Item 39 is coded 00 or 91.
  • Remarks - If anyone included in the unit previously received benefits under a different case ID number, enter the former case ID number in REMARKS. Also enter the former RIN in Item 60 if that number was not recorded under the case ID number entered in Item 1. If the applicant(s) received benefits under more than one former case ID number, enter all former case ID numbers.
  • new textItem 53 - Enter the county of residence.  The county of residence is the 3 digit code corresponding to the office number of the FCRC located in the household's county of residence.
  • Item 60 - Enter the RIN before the SSN and/or the last name for any client included in the unit, or a payee (RPY or TEMP) not included in the unit who was previously assigned an RIN.
  • Enter the first name of the client or payee immediately below the RIN, if entered.
  • Enter Medicare Insurance Benefit and QMB information, as it applies.
  • Items 61-74 & 76 - Complete, if required.
  • Item 77 - Enter the first day of the earliest month continued medical eligibility exists within the 3-month period before the month of application. For example, if the application date is 05/22/98, enter 05-01-98, or 04-01-98, or 03-01-98, or 02-01-98.
  • If medical is authorized for non-continuous months before the date of application, enter in Item 77 the first day of the first month of continuous medical eligibility. To request authorization of medical for the non-continuous month, send a Request for Correction/Addition to MMIS Medical Eligibility File (Form 2958) to the Exception Processing Unit, Springfield.
  • Item 78 - Complete.
  • Item 79 - Complete if client has a TPL source.
  • Item 80 - Enter any Needs codes that apply to the case situation and, if needed, FS codes.
  • For an exception to central prorating, enter code 100 and the prorated amount. Round down any IPE issued as an exception to central prorate. If the Family Community Resource Center fails to round down the IPE, the system automatically rounds it down. The system automatically rounds down a centrally issued IPE. Code 100 does not appear on the Form 552.
  • For cases that include a Refugee(s) or Entrant(s) in the unit, enter code 328 DU. Enter under PERSONS the earliest month and year any Refugee(s)/Entrant(s) in the unit entered the United States. This entry is not required for the Repatriate Program.
    • Example: If the month and year the Refugee(s) or Entrants(s) entered the United States is July 1, 1988, enter 07 under PERSONS.
  • Item 90 - Enter monthly income codes and amounts to be budgeted.
  • Item 91 - Complete as needed.

Initial Prorated Entitlement (IPE)

The system centrally computes the IPE when the Family Community Resource Center does not authorize an exception to central prorate (code 100 entered in Item 80) and a 6-digit approval date is used.

The intake worker figures the IPE amount as an exception to central prorate when:

  • a person(s) included in the IPE determination is not included in the first regular roll month, or a person(s) included in the first regular roll month is not included in the IPE determination; or
  • income and/or needs included in the IPE are not included in the regular monthly benefit; or
  • income and/or needs not included in the IPE period are included in the regular monthly benefit; or
  • the IPE period is for more than 60 days.

When completing Form 552 for the regular roll approval, enter Item 80 code 100 and the prorated amount. The system issues an IPE for the amount entered in code 100.

NOTE: Always round down code 100. If code 100 is not rounded down, the system automatically rounds it down.

For examples showing the steps to be used when processing an IPE as part of the regular roll approval, see WAG 17-02-01-c.