WAG 25-07-09-f: Adding an Adult to Benefit Unit

Complete Form 552:

  • Item 1 - Complete if doing a TA 42 to change category between 04 and 94 or 06 and 96.
  • Item 2 - Enter 6-digit date if eligible for centrally computed IPE. Enter 4-digit date if not eligible for IPE.
  • Item 3 - Use TA 34 if category remains the same. Use TA 42 if changing category.
  • Items 4, 5, 6, 22, 33, 44 - Complete.
  • Items 60-74, 77, 78 - Complete for the person added. Change Items 62 and 63 for the children also.
  • REMARKS - If the person being added previously received aid under a different case number, enter the former number(s).
  • Items 23, 79, 80, 90 - Complete if applicable. If budgeting income that will reduce cash benefit, compute and enter Item 80 code 100 and change Item 90 in separate TA 31.