This code lists for categories 04, 06, 94, and 96.
This code identifies a child(ren) in the unit who will reach age 19 the month of the PAL. Review the case to determine if the child(ren) is eligible to continue receiving medical assistance.
Casework Action
- Review eligibility under all medical programs for the 19 year old child.
- If the child remains eligible under any medical program and there are other children in the case, delete the child from the current case.
- If the child remains eligible and there are no other children in the case, cancel the current case. Set up a new case for the 19 year old.
- If the child is ineligible under all medical programs:
- When other children are in the case, delete the 19 year old the month after his or her nineteenth birthday.
- When there are no other children in the case, cancel the case for the month after the child's 19th birthday.