IES Phase 2 Process
Upon implementation of the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) Phase 2, SNAP notices used to approve, deny, or change benefits are consolidated into one Form 360c, Notice of Decision. See WAG 25-13-00 for the list of consolidated forms. See Processing the SNAP REDE WAG 01-06-07, and SNAP WAG 01-06-02-d for the features of the systematically generated Form 360c.
Notice of Decision (Form 360c)
- (FCRC) Enters the application information in IES. Runs eligibility and certifies the case.
- (IES/FCRC) Generates and mails Form 360c to notify the SNAP unit of:
- their eligibility, new SNAP approval period, benefit amount; or
- to notify the unit of their ineligibility for benefits.
- (IES) Centrally sends Form 360c Notice of Decision the day after the nightly batch job.
- (FCRC) If Local print is selected, generates and mails Form IL444-360c.
- (FCRC) Reprints notices using the correspondence module in left navigation in IES.
Note: IES sends Form 360c when an SNAP REDE is approved or denied, except for denials due to a missed interview. For denials due to a missed interview, Notice of Decision on SNAP Application - Missed Interview (Form 360R) is systematically generated and may be centrally mailed to the customer or printed locally by the FCRC.
Legacy System Process
(FCRC) Enter information in system or complete and send a notice to notify the SNAP unit of its eligibility, new SNAP approval period, benefit amount, or ineligibility via one of the following forms:
- Notice of Change (Form 157C)
- (System) Sends when an SNAP REDE is done with the Cash or Medical REDE, more than 45 days are left in the current approval period, and SNAP benefits go down or stop.
- Action Taken on Your SNAP Case (Form 360A)
- (FCRC) Sends when more than 45 days remain in the approval period and SNAP benefits remain the same or increase.
- Form 360C
- (System) Sends when a SNAP REDE is approved with less than 45 days left in the current approval period.
- The system sends a Form 360C when an SNAP REDE is denied, except for denials due to a missed interview. For denials due to a missed interview Form 360R is centrally sent (TA 05/TAR 03 used).
- Form 360
- (FCRC) Use when an application is processed at intake through IPACS or when an application is processed through
IES and the FCRC wants to send a locally issued notice of disposition.
On all REDEs except
Mid-Point Reporting REDEs, provide the client with the form WHAT'S NEW? Tell us about it (Form 3669). Inform the client that the form may be dropped off at the office or mailed back.