WAG 19-03-02.
Complete a face-to-face REDE every 12 months for Change Reporting units and Mid-Point Reporting units. Mid-Point Reporting units are required to complete an interim Mid-Point Report form in the 6th month of their 12-month approval period (see PM 19-07-01). See PM 19-03-06-b for scheduling an interview.
When the payee for the TANF unit is the payee for the SNAP unit, complete an SNAP REDE at each face-to-face REDE of TANF eligibility.
NOTE: Coordinate the face-to-face TANF REDE and the SNAP REDE so the client can accomplish both with one office visit. Obtain a SNAP application when the TANF payee is also the payee for the SNAP unit.
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