WAG 19-02-05: The Completed REDE Process

PM 19-02-05.

IES Phase 2 Process

new text Upon implementation of the Integrated Eligibility System (IES) phase 2, the process for completing a redetermination is changed. The REDE process is described in PM 19-02-04.

Legacy Process

  1. Conduct all activities related to a REDE within 30 days. The 30-day period begins with the date the REDE form (Form 643 or Form 643G) is completed and ends with the date ongoing eligibility for benefits is determined.
  2. Note the month and year this determination of eligibility is made in Item 30 on Form 552. Report the REDE when:
    • all financial factors of eligibility have been verified; and
    • all related nonfinancial factor verifications have been initiated and there is no reason to believe that these verifications will alter the information supplied by the client.
    1. Only the following nonfinancial factors may remain pending as previously described:
      • citizenship;
      • age; and
      • birthplace.
    2. Pending verifications must be controlled and listed at the top of Form 2027, Form 2027B, or Form 4002. All pending elements must be satisfied before the next regular REDE.
  3. File all REDE forms, verification documents, and/or any 3rd party correspondence in the case record. A case recording is not required.