PM 19-02-01-g.
CBOE data are displayed on individualized "match sheets" which are provided to the FCRC the month before the month of the REDE, if applicable.
The system also sends the FCRC a copy of a list that identifies each child included on the match sheets. The list indicates what criteria matched and what criteria did not. The list accompanies the match sheets.
Code 5 is entered in Item 73 of Form 552 when all the following 4 conditions are met:
If the case information is correct, advise the client to notify the school to take any necessary action to correct the discrepancies (e.g., school records list a child's birthdate as being 10/15/81 and case record contains the correct birthdate of 10/17/81).
If the caretaker relative states the child is enrolled in a Chicago Public School, advise the client to contact the school and have the discrepancy corrected. Set a 14-day control and follow up with a Form 541 to the school.
If an 18 year old has dropped out of school or will not graduate before reaching age 19, delete the child from the benefit unit or cancel the case, as appropriate.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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