PM 19-02-01-d
(IES) Mails IL 444-1893 Medical, SNAP and Cash Redetermination Notice 60 days prior to the last day of the certification period.
(IES) Ends TANF benefits the month following the last certification month if the redetermination is not returned by the due date. Sends IL 444-0360C Notice of Decision notifying the customer TANF benefits will stop.
(CSU/FCRC) Scans redetermination forms and proofs received to the Electronic Case Management, Redetermination Interview Required queue.
(FCRC) Claims the task for processing, using electronic verifications when available. Schedules a face-to-face interview using the office scheduler in IES.
(FCRC) After the interview is conducted and all verification factors are verified, IES is updated with the new information. The caseworker then runs eligibility and certifies the TANF EDG.
NOTE: If one of these situations occurs, provide the client Form IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist using the Case Change Mode in Data Collection. IES will indicate verifications are to be returned by the 11th day from the mail date (See WAG 02-07-02).
Help the client if more information/verifications are needed. Use 3rd-party contacts when necessary for information needed to determine eligibility.
Complete IL444-0034 Consent to Release of Information, if information is unavailable without consent from the client. Have it signed by the caretaker relative for each 3rd-party contact to be made. Public records do not require written consent of the caretaker relative.
NOTE: The system determines if a client is "not potentially eligible for UI" based on the current work quarters identified by the system. Future eligibility for UI may occur depending upon the client's work record.
NOTE: TTYs are located in each FCRC and in each Regional office. An individual who is deaf, hard of hearing or communication impaired who owns or has access to a TTY can communicate with their FCRC.
Include the correct TTY number on all written correspondence to clients when the written correspondence requires entry of the FCRC telephone number.
(System) Enters code 643 REDE in Item 80 of Form 552.
The PERSONS section of the code indicates the following month and year:
If necessary, correct the coding in Item 21 of Form 552 so the client receives the requested version of the REDE report form in the future.
If the case has SNAP, determine eligibility for SNAP benefits (see PM 18-04-11 and WAG 18-04-11). SNAP benefits will continue to be authorized on the zero grant case. Do not increase SNAP benefits as a result of the decrease in the TANF benefits, because the cash benefits are being discontinued due to failure to comply with a cash program requirement.
The system will centrally budget the amount of the cash benefit reduction as code 512 to make sure that the SNAP benefits do not increase due to the reduction in the cash benefits. If TANF benefits are budgeted as code 658, these codes will be centrally removed when code 512 is added.
NOTE: If one of these situations occurs, provide the client Form 1721 requesting the needed verifications. Give the client 10 days to provide the verifications.
Complete Consent to Release of Information (Form 34), if information is unavailable without consent from the client. Have it signed by the caretaker relative for each 3rd-party contact to be made. Public records do not require written consent of the caretaker relative.
If the client fails to provide the necessary information, take the following action:
If the unit receives SNAP benefits, take the correct action regarding SNAP.
NOTE: The system determines if a client is "not potentially eligible for UI" based on the current work quarters identified by the system. Future eligibility may occur depending upon the client's work record.
NOTE: TTYs are located in each FCRC and in each Regional office. Deaf, hard of hearing, or communication impaired clients who own or have access to a TTY can communicate with their FCRC.
Update Item 24 on Form 552 to coordinate the following TANF REDE with SNAP REDE. Enter in Item 24 the month following the month the next TANF REDE is scheduled.
The system sends Form 157C when the benefit amount is decreased or canceled (see PM 01-06-03). Form 157C shows why the action is being taken and gives the applicable policy reference.
NOTE: In questionable situations, proof may be requested or a home visit completed during the REDE process or at any other time.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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